Bikers - helmet sizes

Those who have been there might be able to help - I'm trying to drop a sizable amount of weight and am also due for a new crash helmet. Is my helmet size likely to change at all with weight loss? A decent helmet is a sizable investment and I don't particularly fancy replacing it again if I can avoid it, however the current one is no longer safe for use (crashed a couple months back) and my backup is just that - not a good option even in the short term.

Anyone been there and seen a difference in fitting?


  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I've lost 3 sizes in clothes over the past 2 years - but my motorcycle helmet still fits just fine.

    I hope your crash wasn't too bad - I've trashed 2 helmets in the past 5 years - no fun!
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    Nah, not too bad. Just some muppet in a cage deciding to turn right without warning, made the mistake of both dodging him AND braking. Hit the blacktop about 35-40kph (so 20-25mph) - half the speed of the first time - but I got my foot stuck under the bike. I rode home (also like last time) but I can tell you, slow or not, it still sucks, and I don't recommend it :)

    That's good news on no size change, means I can go grab the lid I want (same as the last one, Shoei XR-1100) and be confidant I won't need to change it later.
  • kestrel359
    kestrel359 Posts: 342 Member
    You might need a smaller size when you're done losing weight depending on just how much you're trying to lose. However, if you are trying to lose enough weight that you would need to change helmet size then you probably have a while before that issue will pop up.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    Nice helmet!
    My guess is the helmet size won't change, but you may need to adjust the cheek pads.