Treadmills? iFit?



  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    When we bought our treadmill 2 years ago we bought one that has the iFit thing you speak of. We never used it....I just use the treadmill for my jogging/running in the winter months.
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    We have a Reebok treadmill with the same specs you described. We paid around $1000 a year and a half ago, and it is one of the best investments we have made. I would not have been able to get into the exercise habit if it was not for that treadmill. And now I can't wait for winter to be over so I can run outside.
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    I just ordered an elliptical machine from Nordic Track that is iFit compatible; I'm glad to see this topic because I was also wondering if anyone had any experience with iFit. I'm getting it as an add-on simply because the dude offered me a 5-yr warranty and iFit bundle for $150-ish (normally their 3-yr warranty is $150) so it seemed like a great deal. I'll be curious as to whether I enjoy the iFit - my elliptical isn't one of those uber-fancy ones with the full-color monitor so that you can actually 'see' the streets of Paris as you run them, but I'm more looking forward to having Jillian Michaels verbally whomp my *kitten* while I ellipticise. :) (Whoa, I totally just made that word up - I love it.)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Speaking from personal experience, having gone through two sub-$1000 treadmills... they don't tend to hold up if they're getting regular use. I try to do 40+ miles per week, and being in Massachusetts, a good portion of those miles are done on a treadmill in winter. I bit the bullet and dropped $1500 on a NordicTrac C1500. Definitely not the best one out there, but a good compromise between the real commercial $5000+ ones in the gym, and the $500 throwaway ones I've used. It's got a 20" width and 60" length tread, which gives you a little more real estate to use versus most of the cheaper models.

    If you have to go with the cheapest one period, perhaps get a service plan on it to cover the various repairs it may very well need. Good luck.

    Seconded! I went through 2 starter treadmills (under $1000) in a few short years before I purchased my $2200 Landice treadmill 10 years ago. It's still going strong. If you know you will use a treadmill it's worth getting a quality one.
  • christianteach
    christianteach Posts: 593 Member
    We have been looking at treadmills for a few weeks now and wanted one with iFit. We just bought a NordicTrack C1750. We got a great deal on it at a Sears outlet, new in the box for $879, plus $10 off for opening a Sears card and 5% more off for using the Sears card...even after adding delivery, installation, extended warranty and tax it was only $1254! It will be delivered Tuesday. Will we have to buy a membership for iFit to work or will it come with it the first year? Is it $99?

    Seeing other responses in this post I feel I should add this: We have had gym memberships in the past but find it more convenient and cost effective to work out at home. We have a mini home gym with an elliptical, bike, total gym and weights. This will be an addition to that. We also own several workout dvd's, Wii Fit and P90x (I think that's the name, we ordered it about a year ago and it's still in the box.) So even tough we work out in the privacy of our home, we are able to change it up whenever we want. I occasionally miss my step or zumba classes but I had plantar fasciitis for almost three years and my podiatrist has recommended I not do the high impact workouts but instead use machines which are easier on my feet.
  • pkirill
    Regarding the iFit service... I purchased a NordicTrack elite 9500 two years ago (December of 2011) and one of the deciding factors was the iFit feature of creating custom maps on the treadmill and saving them for reuse. A month or so after I bought it, iFit completely changed their service and that functionality was no longer supported. Actually, for several months, NO features were supported because you had to do everything from the website which you could not log into. Then later, when you could log in, your online account would not sync with the account you created on the equipment. So, blah, blah, blah - iFit stinks, etc. Fast forward to a couple months ago when I finally decided to give iFit another shot - after all I had paid for it. Now it turns out that much of the logging in issues have been settled - except that now when you log in you get prompted to buy their workouts or other workout junk even though you already paid for the service. The real problem now is the actual user interface and functionality is horrible. You can no longer create a list of maps to just access - instead, you have to schedule them in the online calendar. And you can't schedule a workout for multiple days - only the workouts you BUY from iFit will do that. Connectivity between the equipment and the iFit service is still intermittent from day to day. Thankfully I have figured out how to use my Elite 9500 without iFit - just as a regular treadmill - and we are friends again.
  • d0db0b
    d0db0b Posts: 1
    When it s assaciated to a fitness device, IFIT is a scam... expensive, a lot of bugg, pour functionality, and no longer supported by your future device. For example you pay 10$/month + 5 $ for your program.
    I have a Nor****track T25.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    treadmill bike!


    I saw someone on one of those in my neighborhood recently.... True story
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    :angry: :angry: Grrrrrr.......f-ing zombie thread again :explode: :grumble:

    How do people find these?
  • nuclearjen
    nuclearjen Posts: 1 Member
    I just got an elliptical with iFit on it. It is absolutely amazing and I'm never going to the gym again. There are hundreds upon hundreds of workouts on there for anything you would want to do. Studio running walking lightweight lifting, etc. I am in love with it because you can go on there and decide you want to hike a hill in South Africa and see zebras and the trainer takes off with you and your treadmill automatically adjusts to the terrain. It's AWESOME AND THE MOST WELL SPENT MONEY EVER! This morning I did a run through Portugal and yesterday morning I ran through the markets in Morocco. Last week I was in the Great pyramid of Giza! the trainers give you information on the surroundings and the history. It's well worth it! If you feel like just doing a class workout with some light weights like aerobics those are on if it as well and you can just pull it up on your smart TV or tablet.