question about BMR and calorie deficit

sky379 Posts: 46
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello everyone. I used to think I had a good understanding about calorie consumption, but I am finding myself a bit confused and was hoping someone could explain this to me.
According to MFP, my BRM is 1298 also my calories per day is set at 1200, since it wont' go lower than that. To lose 1 lb per week, even though I'd like to lose 1 1/2. If i stick to the 1200 cal/day, that is only a deficit of 98. Does that mean that in order to lose that 1 lb/week, I have to burn 402 calories from exercise? I'm not worried about that, since I love working out, I just want to make sure I am understanding this correctly.
I am a victim of yo-yo dieting, mostly I eat really healthy for about a week and then have 2 or so really bad days, where I eat a lot of sweets (too many) and I've had enough of it. This is my first time using an online resource and this time I am going to stick to it. I've always kept a food journal and tried to do the calculations myself, but I ended up doing more harm than good, because I'd eat lower than 1200 calories and even though I wasn't hungry, I realize now that my body went into starvation mode and now my metabolism is messed up because instead of losing weight, I actually ended up gaining 5 pounds.
So again, my question is just to better understand the relationship between BMR and calorie deficits. Since I can't go below 1200 calories a day, and my BMR is 1298, is the only way to make a deficit through exercise?
Any help would be great.
Also, you guys rock! Seriously, just looking at everyone's "badges" of how much they lost is really incredible. I don't have a lot to lose, I've lost some weight over the past year, but I"m in that awful place of just wanting to lose a few pounds. I"m really discourage though since I've gained 5 pounds it seems so that just set me back from my goal weight. But I have faith that sticking to this plan, something good will come of it.
Thanks in advance!


  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi--I'm pretty sure if the goals you set say you can eat 1200 calories/day, then you will lose the weight at that level. Any additional exercise from Cardio that you do can be added to the calorie count, so if you burn 400 calories, you can eat 1600 that day. That's how I have been working it and it's been great.

    You sound a lot like me--I thought I only needed to lose around 5-8 lbs when I started in August and now have lost around 17. I never thought that was even possible. Using this program (and the iphone app) to log everything in and seeing how many calories extra you can eat when you exercise has been an amazing tool for motivation and for keeping on track. I think we generally do not try to eat too much, we are just too busy to keep track--this makes it a no brainer!

    Good luck with everything!
  • louloup
    louloup Posts: 87 Member
    As I believe it your bmr or basal metabolic rate is what your body use just to survive. To breath, think etc. So just moving around and doing general tasks uses energy which would already put you in a calorie deficit if you are on 1200 cals per day.

    If you go below 1200 cals per day your body will go into starvation mode and instead of burning cals it will store them as it does not know when it will be fed again.

    If you eat around 1200-1400 and be active during your day and do exercise/sports as well you should lose weight.

    I would also advise that your cals are good cals and come from fruits/ veggies/ wholegrains and lean proteins and minimal cals from junk.

    This is all from personal experience and something I strive to achieve everyday,

    Good luck x
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