Moms, Gamers, and Nerds - Oh My!



  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Nerd pride. Rock on. :smokin:
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    For once I meet all the criteria! YESSSS!!!!
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    OHAIGUYZ!!!! I saw gamer and had to click!!! So we already know where my head is at. I am a recovering WOW addict. I can admit this now. I stopped playing last October. Yup, that's right! Pandas came out, I downloaded it, played a week of it, and just cancelled. I've played since vanilla and just thought "Ugh, I have to do this again!?!?! F@#$* you Blizz, I'm going to the gym!" I will admit it was months before I took it off my comp and only just recently took authenticator off my phone. Even baby steps can set you free!!!

    LOL that's like me but it took me to December to quit. Too many dailies, I started losing weight as soon as I quit lol.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    IfI'm obsessed with anything pertaining to Zombies. OBSESSED! Nothing like a good end of the world scenario where you get to kill things with no consequences. Ha. ;)

    II've never seen the show (I don't watch much TV) , but I've actually done events with several of the zombies from Walking Dead, and I'm going to my first Zombie Prom in 3 weeks!
  • rubypond
    rubypond Posts: 41 Member
    Am a Mom to a 28 year old daughter. Been a gamer for YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Started out with Everquest, and then found City of Heroes and played that from launch until the sunset almost 3 months ago. Have played WoW since launch. Love fantasy, dragons, unicorns and the like.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    right here! book nerd and serious gamer. playing my n64 right now. add me and let me know if youd like my xbox tag. could always use more friends
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
    right here! book nerd and serious gamer. playing my n64 right now. add me and let me know if youd like my xbox tag. could always use more friends

    How is it all my XBL friends all play Dashboard when I'm online... *(-_-)
  • The1iceQueen
    I love Mmorpg online games. My favorites being Ultima Online, Dark Age of Camelot, and Asheron's Call. World of Warcraft was decent too, but the gear grind got old fast. I'm hoping Camelot Unchained can breathe some new life into mmorpg's and get back to old school style. I will be trying out Elder Scrolls Online, The Black Desert, and Archeage when they come out. Hopefully, one will be decent.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I currently meet 2 out of the 3 categories. I'm not a mom yet, but hope to be in the next year or two. During my spare time, if I don't have my face in a book or if I'm not watching a superhero movie, I'm usually playing games. Hubby and I play World of Warcraft, Rift, Aion, and Skyrim.

    I also spend a fair amount of time on this site, but I suppose that's a given for most of us :happy:
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    YAY I meet all too lol. I have a 1 y/o little guy and love LOVE games, all kinds, except shooters, can't stand them. In fact I currently want to take a hammer to my fiance's Black Ops 2 game. But that's mostly because whenever he's on it, all I hear are little kids cussing and I"m all "did that 11 year old really just say what I think he did?!" My poison has always been Final Fantasy and WoW, I've played since right before BC launch. But I've pretty much decided to not renew my sub when it's up in 2 weeks. I haven't played in over a week and I'm just sick of it. I'd rather play Sims lol or anything that's not a shooter.

    Anyone feel free to add me if I haven't already added them, I like to see activity in my friends feed!
  • victorvontatts
    I am a dad and a gamer, writer, nerd. I also need some friends since I am new here. Feel free to add me.