working 13 hour days ugh

jhebert87 Posts: 75
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
OK so I am having a really hard time getting some form of exercise in everyday because I usually work anywhere between 11 and 13 hours a day and by the time I go home all I want to do is sleep. Does anyone have any suggestions of how I can get a decent work out in during the day?

P.S. I am looking for a new job lol


  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    can you ride your bike at least part of the way to work or take walks during your breaks?
  • jhebert87
    jhebert87 Posts: 75
    I don't have time to take breaks and I work like 45 min away from my house driving... thanks for the suggestion though :smile:
  • At boring meetings and at my desk, I'll do leg extensions and try to hold them up for as long as I can. If your not in a cubicle farm you might get away with standing on 1 leg or doing other yoga balance poses. Maybe get an exercise ball instead of a chair? I do random little balance poses and streching while waiting for the elevator and talking to people. At this point no one thinks I'm totally nuts just a little :laugh:
  • ammingjay
    ammingjay Posts: 45 Member
    I also work long days (10 is the norm but 13+ are not unheard of) I found the best plan was to get up and do it first thing in the morning. That way I wouldn't have the "I'm too tired" or the "today was too long" excuse because it was first thing. I am lucky since I have a gym (and showers) at work so it's a one stop deal. I know I just do best with a routine that starts with a workout. I also walk around the building when I get annoyed or need a break vs. standing around talking so that becomes a buy one get one free kind of deal.
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    I feel you pain and thank you for your post . I was starting to feel as no one on the website works! I too work 12 hours days, with - a 45 minute commute each way. I do not havet ime to get away during my work day. I do try to make a conscious effort of how I can add a few more steps to my day. I park in a parking garage and park a ways away from the elevator. i also take the stairs. When going to a meeting - i try to leave a littel early so I can take a longer route. I take stairs whenever i can. If you can make a game out of it - you can make it that much more intersting. Execercis during my week is almost impossible - so I make up for it on weekends. Good luck to oyu and hang in there. i have found another saving grace- do not read alot of th eposts about the people exercising 60 - 90 minutes- they are not in the real world!
  • paulkj
    paulkj Posts: 163 Member
    I can totally relate. My average day is about 10-12 hours long and I am also in school. I just sacrifice that 1 hour to workout every evening (except for Wednesdays, I have bible study). I know it's difficult, but I feel so much better and a sense of accomplishment when I am done.
  • jhebert87
    jhebert87 Posts: 75
    Those are great ideas ... I'm definitely going to try the whole leg extension thing at my desk! and ammingjay can I come work for your company? lol Cymills my only problem is that I work in a one floor office so no stairs no parking garages, but I do park as far away as possible! Thanks!
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    SnuggleBunny - I LOVE your comment... "At this point no one thinks I'm totally nuts just a little"

    Tell "them" you are in the process of loisng the crazy woman - as you have already lost 13 lbs of her!

    Way to go girl!!!!
  • Maeley
    Maeley Posts: 2 Member
    I struggle with this myself. Pick up one of the "10 minute" exercise DVDs. They have several out there targeting different areas of your body. I think they are specifically for those of us working (and I have two kids under five added to that...) Each DVD has five 10 minute routines so you can do one or more if time allows and as tired as I am in the evening - I find it fairly easy to make myself commit to just TEN minutes. Then once I'm doing it, I often end up doing more than just one routine.
  • SnuggleBunny - I LOVE your comment... "At this point no one thinks I'm totally nuts just a little"

    Tell "them" you are in the process of loisng the crazy woman - as you have already lost 13 lbs of her!

    Way to go girl!!!!

    Thanks! :happy:
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