Find your twin (new version)



  • janel93xo
    janel93xo Posts: 1 Member
    Age: 19
    Height: 5ft 7in
    Start weight: 162
    Current Weight: 156
    Goal: 150 or lower.. I really just want to get rid of some fat.
  • Age:18
    SW: 119
    CW: 115
    GW: 105

    I doubt I'll have a twin but I might as well try(:
  • canraccox
    canraccox Posts: 12 Member
    Age: 41
    Height: 5ft 3in (almost)
    Start weight: 220
    Current Weight: 214
    Goal: 120lbs approx

    I think I saw a few that are close.... will have to scan through!
  • 304609
    304609 Posts: 2
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'1
    Start Weight: 245
    Current Weight: 243
    Goal: 115lbs
  • canraccox
    canraccox Posts: 12 Member
    Age 39
    Height 5'3
    Starting weight 239 pounds
    Current weight 216 pounds
    Goal. 168 pound

    We kind of match! (close age, same height, current weight)
  • 304609
    304609 Posts: 2
    I'm pretty close to you guys as well! :)
  • Age:19 years old

    Height: 5"5 inches tall
    Starting weight : 186.8 pounds
    Current weight 182 pounds
    Goal weight: 145 pounds (but my ultimate goal is 120 pounds at least)
  • canraccox
    canraccox Posts: 12 Member
    Age: 35
    Height: 5ft 3 (almost!)
    Start weight: 213
    Current Weight: 164
    Goal: 122

    (Close age, your start weight is close to my current weight and our goals are close!)
  • Searedtuner
    Searedtuner Posts: 12 Member
    :smile: Nice to see all working so hard

    I'm 32 y/o f
    Ht: 5'2"
    CW: 119
    GW: 109
  • canraccox
    canraccox Posts: 12 Member
    Age: 29
    Height: 5'3"
    Start Weight: 221
    Current Weight: 183
    Goal Weight: 130

    Oooh!!!! So close! Just that you've lost more weight then I have! :-)

    Age: 40
    Height: 5ft 3in (almost)
    Start weight: 220
    Current Weight: 214
    Goal: 120lbs approx
  • wldrose75
    wldrose75 Posts: 128
    Age: 34
    Height: 5'5"
    SW: 202
    CW: 197
    GW: 138

    bueller? bueller?

    That must make me Bueller... or close to it. :smile:

    Age: 37
    Height: 5'5" (well, 5' 4.5" but I prefer to say 5' 5")
    SW: 206.5
    CW: 192.5
    GW: currently set to 170 (but will probably change it to 150 when I get closer)
  • canraccox
    canraccox Posts: 12 Member
    Cool! I'm new here so this is fun (: I'm Amanda, btw.

    Age: 19 (almost 20)
    Height: 5ft 2in
    Start weight: 225
    Current Weight: 214
    Goal: 190 for now, I set achievable short goals first!

    So close Amanda! (except I'm more than double your age! LOL)

    Age: 40
    Height: 5ft 3in (almost)
    Start weight: 220
    Current Weight: 214
    Goal: 120lbs approx

    I hear you on the short term goals! Great idea!
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    26 yrs
    CW 154
    GW under 150 pounds atm
  • canraccox
    canraccox Posts: 12 Member
    SW 254
    CW 221
    GW 154


    Hey Deb! Kinda twins!

    Age: 40 (I just realized I've been saying I'm 40 and I'm 41!!!! The memory is going! hahaha)
    Height: 5ft 3in (almost)
    Start weight: 220
    Current Weight: 214
    Goal: 120lbs approx

    My start is where you are currently so we can do this run together (since I'm only 6 pounds down!!)
  • SpiraI
    SpiraI Posts: 3
    Sw 120
    Gw 125
    Ugw 111
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    Some similar...
    Age 52
    sw: 260 Feb 17 2012
    cw: 197
    gw: 160 and will reevaluate at this point. I never thought I'd see onederland and I'm finally there! woohoo I couldn't imagine a year ago I that I could ever loose even 100 lbs much less anymore than that. So, that is why I chose 160. I've lost 63 so far, believe in yourself you can reach your goals. One day at a time.
  • I_am_Kara
    I_am_Kara Posts: 2,593 Member
    height: 5'11 3/4"
    SW: 300
    GW: at least 100
  • xX_PhoenixRising_Xx
    xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Posts: 623 Member
    Hey, see these posted all the time, but by the time i go on they are 12 pages long!

    By the time I got to your post it was already 10 pages long! lol

    Age: 43
    Height: 5ft 7in
    Start weight: 306
    Current Weight: 281.4
    Goal: 150 (or so?)

    I found a few people with similar stories, but welcome more.

    Hi, we're pretty similar

    Age: 34
    Height: 5 Ft 7in
    SW: 328
    CW: 275
    Goal: 160ish to start.

    Height: 5 ft 8
    Highest Weight:229
    Start Weight: 211
    Current Weight: 207
    Goal: 150( To get into the Normal BMI Range )
  • cool I've never seen this before...but interesting!!

    Height: 5 ft 8
    Start Weight: 230.4
    Current Weight: 207.6
    Goal: 150ish I think.. I'm not sure what will look/be healthy when I get there...


    Height: 5 ft 8
    Highest Weight:229
    Start Weight: 211
    Current Weight: 207
    Goal: 150( To get into the Normal BMI Range )