My top 4 tips for newbies



  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Number 4 is not a message you should be sending out because actually being skinny isn't the be all and end all of life and you can eat tasty food that is good for you as well.
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    Tip #6... don't eat anything from a can, especially soup or tomatoes, without realizing that you probably just consumed your entire day's allowance for sodium... My first week, I was really grooving to all the yummy 100-calorie 2-point soup choices, until I checked out my sodium intake at the end of the day. Oops! :sad:
  • lrbassmom
    lrbassmom Posts: 123
    I would possibly add:

    Losing weight is difficult. If it were easy, there wouldn't be an obesity problem in the United States. It will take committment.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Agree with everything but #4. Everything tastes better than skinny feels.

    ^^This! There is no reason you can't enjoy the foods you love.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    So far, I'm actually finding losing weight is easy, though I'm pretty new at it and expect to hit a plateau at some point. The only real change I had to make was to be mindful of what I'm eating. It's amazing how many calories you can consume noshing out of that big bag of chips while you drive home. I've always tended to eat fairly healthy when I think about what I'm eating - it's the "non-thinking" eating that was packing the pounds on. The other thing that helps me is I've found I feel better if I avoid gluten, so that makes it easier for me to resist all the treats people bring into work (knowing that if I eat the cake and cookies I'll feel bloated and yucky)