Atkins Diet

What are your opinions?

My weight loss has been static for two weeks so though i'd swap my diet around....... any pointers?


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Anything that cuts out a huge food group (carbs) will have you losing weight but chances are you'll gain it back when you eat carbs again.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    pretty much what the person above me said. my mother had great success with it but she's probably going to be doing it the rest of her life because once you start eating carbs again, you can't stop some of the weight from coming back on. it's fine if you're OK with doing that.
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    Atkins = Lose weight fast, and muscle, while being extremely miserable, irritable and screwing up your metabolism in the process. Oh and if you like working out - forget it. You won't have the energy to do more than a sit up without feeling faint. And you will put that weight back on. Not from my own experience, have never done it, but have known many who have, and they all pretty much summed it up the same way.
  • GuybrushThreepw00d
    GuybrushThreepw00d Posts: 784 Member
    Ketosis = black magic.

    2 weeks is nothing, wait another 2 before changing anything.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Anything that cuts out a huge food group (carbs) will have you losing weight but chances are you'll gain it back when you eat carbs again.

    I would normally agree w/this but I started Atkins in May 2011 and I lost about 60 lbs but I was really missing fruits. So I added in fruits and kept my carbs below 100 and still didn't eat rice or pasta (just don't miss them anymore) and I maintained my weight w/a 25 lb loss for the mext 8 mos. So it can be done, I agree you can proabably never go back to eating carbs like you did w/o putting on the weight you lost, but I have done it successfully. However I only recommend a dramtic change in diet (like she said cutting out entire food groups is not a good thing) if nothing else is working for you. Good luck to you and you can add me if you like, I am currently doing Atkins again. As far as working out and losing muscle, a healthier diet will be much more beneficial in the long run. I don't recall being tired all the time and I worked out while on Atkins...remember it's about a lifestyle change not a 'diet'.
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    First of all, Atkins is LOW carb, not NO carb. I find eating low carb has made a major difference in my appetite. I RARELY feel hungry, I am losing weight steadily, my blood sugar is substantially better, my blood pressure is 100/80...and I have learned to cook and bake differently (using nut flour, not flour from grains). AND there are many other low carb diets other than Atkins...which can be a little limited at times. When I ate grains and sugar, I'd be ravenous after eating a meal. Now that I don't, I never feel ravenous.
  • JustAGirlNASolution
    JustAGirlNASolution Posts: 15 Member
    For those of us who suffer from PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome), low carb eating needs to be a way of life. It doesn't mean eliminate ALL carbs, just choose wisely and if you do eat them....pair them with an equal amount of protien.
  • The1iceQueen
    . Oh and if you like working out - forget it. You won't have the energy to do more than a sit up without feeling faint. Not from my own experience, have never done it, but have known many who have, and they all pretty much summed it up the same way.

    I disagree with this part of what you said. All my life I rarely have eaten pastas, breads, potatoes, and usually get 50 or below carbs a day, and I'm able to work out an hour a day 5 days a week, no problem. In fact I've always been very healthy eating the way I do, and I don't get tired and hungry all the time. I think if someone isn't use to eating low carbs for their diet, they will however need an adjustment period to get use to it. I make myself the occasional cookies or brownies but use almond flour and other low carb products. I really just don't like to eat too much garbage.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    If you want to change things up but not go as extreme as Atkins, you can just try lowering your carb intake, there are many lower carb diets that don't restrict nearly as much as Atkins. I personally eat between 60-90 carbs per day. If you're looking to change things up, I've heard "zigzagging" calories thrown around on the boards a bit.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I've done Atkins in the past and liked it. Atkins is not no carb, it's low carb-high fat-moderate protein. You add in foods gradually to determine if they cause issues for you. You'll probably be weak and tired for the first couple to few days as your body adjusts and then energy levels (mine ) went to average to through the roof. There are absolutely athletes and exercisers while on Atkins. It's a difficult lifestyle to maintain as you have to plan a lot more for meals and eating out. There aren't a lot of easy snacks to pick up at the local convenience store.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    Atkins = Lose weight fast, and muscle, while being extremely miserable, irritable and screwing up your metabolism in the process. Oh and if you like working out - forget it. You won't have the energy to do more than a sit up without feeling faint. And you will put that weight back on. Not from my own experience, have never done it, but have known many who have, and they all pretty much summed it up the same way.

    Not true.

    What people need to realize is Atkins = low carb is NOT a diet, it's a lifestyle change. People don't change their lifestyle, hence the reason the weight comes back.

    For some of us with medical problems (hello diabetics) like me with PCOS which causes insulin resistance going low carb is the only way to go.

    Carbs = sugars , wheat, and white flours. It is not a NO carb plan it is a LOW carb plan. These things hold ZERO nutritional value and personally, all they do for me and millions of others is make us sick.

    Like many others I believe Keto is magic and Atkins is just a keto diet. Keto diets have been around since the 1800s. They began as a way to treat epilepsy and now are being used to treat cancer and Alzheimer.

    Low carb actually fixed my metabolism.

    If they were feeling faint, they weren't doing it right.

    I have more energy than I have ever had before. I no longer feel bloated and junky after eating a high carb food. I no longer have sugar and carb crashes. Not only that, I have degenerative disk disease and osteoarthritis. Painful stuff. Low carb helps with inflammation. I cam kick the treadmills *kitten* every day now instead of once a month. I've also suffered from manic depression and PTSD for most of my life. I am no longer on any medication for that or for my PCOS thanks to my new low-carb lifestyle and I am perfectly happy living it the rest of my life, as well as millions of others.

    So, no, low carb is NOT bad.

    We are not a one-size-fits-all community. Some acting like we are.

    I wish people would actually read the scientific research behind low carb before spouting off he-said-she-said because chanced are they aren't doing something right.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I followed the Atkins Diet to the letter for a couple of months and lost a bunch of weight while feeling miserable and run-down every day. Eventually I could no longer handle feeling so crappy, resumed eating carbs, and gained it all back + double. So yeah, I wouldn't do that again.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    If you want to change things up but not go as extreme as Atkins, you can just try lowering your carb intake, there are many lower carb diets that don't restrict nearly as much as Atkins. I personally eat between 60-90 carbs per day. If you're looking to change things up, I've heard "zigzagging" calories thrown around on the boards a bit.

    You can hanve 60-90 on Atkins, just not in the beginning.

    The whole point of Atkins is to learn where your carb threshold is. You do Induction for many reason. One , to start fat burning. Two, to start detoxing and working on cravings. Once you get through 14 days of Induction and trust me, if you are doing it right, you arent going to be hungry, you can move to the next phase which allows you to add carbs back. One set at a time. If you start gaining you know this is your bodys carb threshold and that is all you can handle. Go over that and you are going to gain the weight back. It is a lifestyle change, not a diet.
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    Atkins = Lose weight fast, and muscle, while being extremely miserable, irritable and screwing up your metabolism in the process. Oh and if you like working out - forget it. You won't have the energy to do more than a sit up without feeling faint. And you will put that weight back on. Not from my own experience, have never done it, but have known many who have, and they all pretty much summed it up the same way.

    Not true.

    What people need to realize is Atkins = low carb is NOT a diet, it's a lifestyle change. People don't change their lifestyle, hence the reason the weight comes back.

    For some of us with medical problems (hello diabetics) like me with PCOS which causes insulin resistance going low carb is the only way to go.

    Carbs = sugars , wheat, and white flours. It is not a NO carb plan it is a LOW carb plan. These things hold ZERO nutritional value and personally, all they do for me and millions of others is make us sick.

    Like many others I believe Keto is magic and Atkins is just a keto diet. Keto diets have been around since the 1800s. They began as a way to treat epilepsy and now are being used to treat cancer and Alzheimer.

    Low carb actually fixed my metabolism.

    If they were feeling faint, they weren't doing it right.

    I have more energy than I have ever had before. I no longer feel bloated and junky after eating a high carb food. I no longer have sugar and carb crashes. Not only that, I have degenerative disk disease and osteoarthritis. Painful stuff. Low carb helps with inflammation. I cam kick the treadmills *kitten* every day now instead of once a month. I've also suffered from manic depression and PTSD for most of my life. I am no longer on any medication for that or for my PCOS thanks to my new low-carb lifestyle and I am perfectly happy living it the rest of my life, as well as millions of others.

    So, no, low carb is NOT bad.

    We are not a one-size-fits-all community. Some acting like we are.

    I wish people would actually read the scientific research behind low carb before spouting off he-said-she-said because chanced are they aren't doing something right.

    Lol, are you sure about zero nutritional value? And keto magic? maybe you should take your own advice and read the literature on keto

    I have. And I have even worked with my doctors.

    Sugar is not nutritional.
    Wheat isnt either and nor is white flour.
    Pretty sure thats why Paleo/Primal folks dont eat it too. There is nothing to is.
    Its a manufactured product.
    To some it can cause severe medical problems.
    So yeah, not nutritional.

    You want to talk about potatoes? For people who can handle higher amounts of carbs, sure, have a potato every now and then. For those of us with medical problem who have to watch our carbs, potatoes have TOO MANY. Potato are high starch. Usually high starch has higher carbs. For some - we just can't break these down.

    So yeah, not the best nutrition for us. Maybe for you.

    But again, if the research was read, you would see there are 100s of differ variations and levels of "low-carb" and we should ALL be allowed to pick what works for us.

    There is a difference between good carbs and bad carbs. I prefer to eat my carbs in the form of vegetables. Those have vitamins and minerals. The other carbs dont. Pasta has nothing good for me and many others and there is plenty of scientific data out there to prove it.

    Wheat Belly
    Primal Blueprint
    Ketogentic Diet
    Why We Get Fat
    Good Calories Bad Calories
    The Atkins website has a ton of links to medical journals and research
    Eat Fat, Lose Fat
    The Glycemic Index for Dummies
    The Paleo Diet
    The Paleo Solution
    The Insulin Resistance Diet
    We could also include Atkins books
    The Keto Cookbook
    Fat Fast Cookbook has a ton of links
    The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living
    and Google any search string of low carb living and I am sure you will find all of the science blogs on the first few pages.

    So, yes, I have done my research.

    Also, want to see my nutrition certifications? My Masters degree? Research I have done for thesis papers? My doctors credentials? My dietitians?

    You know what you know and I know what I know. I also know how low carb living works for ME.

    Again, we are NOT a ONE SIZE FITS ALL nation. We have different bodies with different problems.

    So, if you think wheat pasta and white pasta are good for you than by all means it is. But bashing people who think differently when they is legitimate scientific data out there to prove otherwise is just stupid.

    As for Keto, yes, I have done plenty. Again, millions of obese patients cant be wrong. Neither can diabetics, people with seizures of any kinds, people dealing with cancer and those with early and late stages of Alzheimer and dementia. The facts and the research are there if you just look for them.
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    I started my diet journey with the Atkins diet. I slowly lost weight. I have lost 90 pounds. I did add back in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. I am not eating white breads, pastas, white rice...etc. on a daily basis. I am maintaining the 90 pound loss. The Atkins diet helped jump start my journey.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Atkins = Lose weight fast, and muscle, while being extremely miserable, irritable and screwing up your metabolism in the process. Oh and if you like working out - forget it. You won't have the energy to do more than a sit up without feeling faint. And you will put that weight back on. Not from my own experience, have never done it, but have known many who have, and they all pretty much summed it up the same way.

    Not true.

    What people need to realize is Atkins = low carb is NOT a diet, it's a lifestyle change. People don't change their lifestyle, hence the reason the weight comes back.

    For some of us with medical problems (hello diabetics) like me with PCOS which causes insulin resistance going low carb is the only way to go.

    Carbs = sugars , wheat, and white flours. It is not a NO carb plan it is a LOW carb plan. These things hold ZERO nutritional value and personally, all they do for me and millions of others is make us sick.

    Like many others I believe Keto is magic and Atkins is just a keto diet. Keto diets have been around since the 1800s. They began as a way to treat epilepsy and now are being used to treat cancer and Alzheimer.

    Low carb actually fixed my metabolism.

    If they were feeling faint, they weren't doing it right.

    I have more energy than I have ever had before. I no longer feel bloated and junky after eating a high carb food. I no longer have sugar and carb crashes. Not only that, I have degenerative disk disease and osteoarthritis. Painful stuff. Low carb helps with inflammation. I cam kick the treadmills *kitten* every day now instead of once a month. I've also suffered from manic depression and PTSD for most of my life. I am no longer on any medication for that or for my PCOS thanks to my new low-carb lifestyle and I am perfectly happy living it the rest of my life, as well as millions of others.

    So, no, low carb is NOT bad.

    We are not a one-size-fits-all community. Some acting like we are.

    I wish people would actually read the scientific research behind low carb before spouting off he-said-she-said because chanced are they aren't doing something right.

    Lol, are you sure about zero nutritional value? And keto magic? maybe you should take your own advice and read the literature on keto

    I have. And I have even worked with my doctors.

    Sugar is not nutritional.
    Wheat isnt either and nor is white flour.
    Pretty sure thats why Paleo/Primal folks dont eat it too. There is nothing to is.
    Its a manufactured product.
    To some it can cause severe medical problems.
    So yeah, not nutritional.

    You want to talk about potatoes? For people who can handle higher amounts of carbs, sure, have a potato every now and then. For those of us with medical problem who have to watch our carbs, potatoes have TOO MANY. Potato are high starch. Usually high starch has higher carbs. For some - we just can't break these down.

    So yeah, not the best nutrition for us. Maybe for you.

    But again, if the research was read, you would see there are 100s of differ variations and levels of "low-carb" and we should ALL be allowed to pick what works for us.

    There is a difference between good carbs and bad carbs. I prefer to eat my carbs in the form of vegetables. Those have vitamins and minerals. The other carbs dont. Pasta has nothing good for me and many others and there is plenty of scientific data out there to prove it.

    Wheat Belly
    Primal Blueprint
    Ketogentic Diet
    Why We Get Fat
    Good Calories Bad Calories
    The Atkins website has a ton of links to medical journals and research
    Eat Fat, Lose Fat
    The Glycemic Index for Dummies
    The Paleo Diet
    The Paleo Solution
    The Insulin Resistance Diet
    We could also include Atkins books
    The Keto Cookbook
    Fat Fast Cookbook has a ton of links
    The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living
    and Google any search string of low carb living and I am sure you will find all of the science blogs on the first few pages.

    So, yes, I have done my research.

    Also, want to see my nutrition certifications? My Masters degree? Research I have done for thesis papers? My doctors credentials? My dietitians?

    You know what you know and I know what I know. I also know how low carb living works for ME.

    Again, we are NOT a ONE SIZE FITS ALL nation. We have different bodies with different problems.

    So, if you think wheat pasta and white pasta are good for you than by all means it is. But bashing people who think differently when they is legitimate scientific data out there to prove otherwise is just stupid.

    As for Keto, yes, I have done plenty. Again, millions of obese patients cant be wrong. Neither can diabetics, people with seizures of any kinds, people dealing with cancer and those with early and late stages of Alzheimer and dementia. The facts and the research are there if you just look for them.

    Not nutritional =/= to zero nutrtion

    Hmmm looks like semolina is totally devoid of vitamins and minerals, my bad, you're totally right
    Wheat Belly
    Primal Blueprint
    Ketogentic Diet
    Why We Get Fat
    Good Calories Bad Calories
    The Atkins website has a ton of links to medical journals and research
    Eat Fat, Lose Fat
    The Glycemic Index for Dummies
    The Paleo Diet
    The Paleo Solution
    The Insulin Resistance Diet
    We could also include Atkins books
    The Keto Cookbook
    Fat Fast Cookbook has a ton of links
    The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living
    and Google any search string of low carb living and I am sure you will find all of the science blogs on the first few pages.

    So, yes, I have done my research.

    lololol strong references
    So, if you think wheat pasta and white pasta are good for you than by all means it is. But bashing people who think differently when they is legitimate scientific data out there to prove otherwise is just stupid.

    Care to share this legitimate scientific data and the deleterious effects it has on one's body?
  • AmyStellaB
    AmyStellaB Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all for the comments:
    It's so difficult to know what to do:
    Low fat works for some and not for others.
    I really appreciate all your views and agree I need to cut back on my carbs and try and opt for a slighlty more balanced diet.
    I have already changed my eating habits dramatically but in the wrong ways as low fat seems to bump up the carbs.

    Will keep trying! Have lost 12lbs but have 33lbs to go and have literally hit a brick wall: everything seems to have stopped.....
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Low carb diets can prove very relieving to people with insulin problems. But it has to be done right.

    Atkins died of a cholesterol related heart attack. (to which he didn't incur until he began following his own diet) If you're gonna do low carb, look for something that allows you more nutritional freedom.
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    Low carb diets can prove very relieving to people with insulin problems. But it has to be done right.

    Atkins died of a cholesterol related heart attack. (to which he didn't incur until he began following his own diet) If you're gonna do low carb, look for something that allows you more nutritional freedom.

    No he didnt'. *smh*
    He fell and hit his head on an icy side walk. Seriously....:grumble:

    Look OP, if you want to try it, try it. I successfully lost 140 pounds with Atkins, and have kept it off for 6 years. Oh, and I wasn't miserably languishing around all day unable to function as a human being because I wasn't eating bread. Once you're body is done with the withdrawal, you feel quite fantastic. Also, I get sick of hearing "as soon as you eat normal again, you'll gain it back"... tell you what- lose 100 pounds eating 1200 calories a day, then go back to eating how you used to eat and see if you gain it back. Betcha will! But do what you want- you're a grown up with a computer. Read the research, read the science, read the reviews.
  • Danious81