Hi everyone!

Hi everyone! I'm new to the site and on the path to a better lifestyle. I just got the pre-diabetes warning from my doc so it's time to get serious about the food going in my mouth. The exercise (weights and cardio) has been there but I've been undoing it from stress eating (and the last 8 months have been junk), life in a cube, and just general eating. I previously dropped 40lbs with exercise and watching my intake but then it went south. I'm digging the phone app! The ultimate goal is a 100lb drop and that's long term.


  • gettingfitnana303
    :smile: Hello, glad to meet you. I joined mfp in January and have met some wonderful people here. Good thoughts to you.
  • gettingfitnana303
    Oh, and by the way, we are neighbors. I'm from Minnesota:smile:
  • jbum68
    jbum68 Posts: 23
    Another snowbound midwesterner! Howdy. This winter has been the worse, not enough snow down here (by Milwaukee) to go out and do the fun winter stuff (and get some exercise) but enough to keep from doing the non-snow stuff.