Suddenly the scale won't budge!

Hey guys,

I've been at a loss of what to do; wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I started MFP the beginning of January and I've lost 19 lbs so far. That's fine and dandy but... the scale won't budge anymore. I'm still doing everything I need to and I've even picked up my work out intensity and paid a closer watch to what I'm eating. Why isn't it moving? What should I do?!


  • drosen32
    drosen32 Posts: 23 Member
    How long hasn't it budged? If not for a few days,or a week, be patient, it will come. This program works. I'll tell you that about once a week, or every other week, I'll throw in an "I don't care about MFP" day and eat what I want, damn the calories. It tricks the body into increasing the metabolism. Next day, I'm back on track. It seems to work. Don't get discouraged, we're all with you.
  • Check your measurements. I didn't lose an ounce this week but lost 3cm off my hips and waist ( about 2.3 inches all together). So you might just be toning up.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    picked up my work out intensity and paid a closer watch to what I'm eating.

    Hard to tell without being able to see your diary. Are you eating 1200 but burning 600? If so, you may not be eating enough.
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I lost 7 lbs in my first month on 1,200 calories a day, then had 3 weeks of losing nothing. I swear if I saw that same number on the scale one more time I was gonna stab myself in the eye with a hot fork! I broke free by upping my calories to 1,500 a day for 5 days, and then restricting calories to 900 for 2 days. 3 lbs lost!

    I plan to look into intermittent fasting and/or calorie cycling because it seems to confuse my body enough to let go of some weight when I get stuck.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    So you've lost 19 pounds in 2 months... and you are wondering why the scale won't budge?

    Calm down... the body fluctuates a few pounds here and there which can mask losses first of all. Second of all, make sure you are not eating at too large of a deficit.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    picked up my work out intensity and paid a closer watch to what I'm eating.

    Hard to tell without being able to see your diary. Are you eating 1200 but burning 600? If so, you may not be eating enough.
    That was my question! :smile: You say you've picked up your workouts, but did you also up your calories to match? Food is fuel! The body likes fuel! :tongue:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Hey guys,

    I've been at a loss of what to do; wondering if anyone had any suggestions. I started MFP the beginning of January and I've lost 19 lbs so far. That's fine and dandy but... the scale won't budge anymore. I'm still doing everything I need to and I've even picked up my work out intensity and paid a closer watch to what I'm eating. Why isn't it moving? What should I do?!
    Be consistent and patient. It'll happen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition