what the best cardio and exercises from home

Hello, I'm starting my fitness and dieting once again. I was doing 3 sets of 40 situps, 3 sets of 40 squats, 3 sets of 50 bicycle kicks. I go was doing to much. What the most effective cardio and exercises to lose that 1-2 lbs a week. I don't membership to gyms. I'd rather do fitness from home, I have no equipment. May someone give me advice.


  • rascallycat
    rascallycat Posts: 248 Member
    Try the free app.. workout trainer by Skimble. It has hundreds of workouts that you can do from home. I love it for days I can not make it to the gym
  • You could try 30 day shred from Jillian Michaels to start you out.
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Run outside, burpees, jumping jacks, anything that involves jumping, running in place, running up and down stairs, there are tooonnnnnsss of things you can go... But a gym is better :p Its way more fun and motivating.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,864 Member
    i love jillian michaels DVDs, she mixes cardio and strength and gets good results, and all you need is a couple dumbells or a kettle bell depending on the dvd
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    Ohhh! And there are tons of workout videos on youtube!
  • Thanks. Ive starting running 30 Mins twice aday with atleast 3 sets of 30 situps? Should I be doing more
  • lilred806
    lilred806 Posts: 195 Member
    YouTube videos. Jillian's 30 day shred is on there. Dr. Oz has a 15 minute workout by Shaun t on his site. Just a couple of easy to find options.
  • Could I jog/run for 30 mins twice a day, and few situps? Thanks for the advice guys means a lot ;)
  • Nessa0506
    Nessa0506 Posts: 81
    Burpees for time.
    More burpees
    Push ups
    Tricep dips on chair
    Did i say burpees?
    Squats and lunges
    End with burpees
  • Nessa0506
    Nessa0506 Posts: 81
    Some good online home workouts are:

  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    If you have a backpack and a bunch of books, you can fill it, put it on backwards so that the front sits against your chest, and do squats. This will increase the resistance and help you develop more lean body mass.

    Running is great exercise, but you won't need to run twice a day.