Newbee in need of support...

kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi There!
I have been using the MFP app on my iPhone for about a month now, but this is the first time I have logged in online.
I am so happy to see there are so many people and resources. I started tracking my calories in early Feb. (with another application) and dropped my first 10 lbs quickly with little to no effort. Now things are starting to slow down and I am not doing well with this change. Any suggestions?
A little background: I was a dancer all my life from a young age thru college. I earned my BS degree in dance and now assist in running the dance department at a theatre in Detroit and teach dance at night. I spend most of my day at my desk for 6-8 hours a day and teach young dancers 3 nights a week. Teaching provides some physical movement, but still at a low level. I have never really had to try hard to stay in shape, so this is a bit new to me.
Goals: 1. Create healthy eating habbits (Always just ate whatever I wanted)
2. Get to a comfortable weight before trying to concieve within the next 6 months.
3. Atleast want to see 149lbs (total loss from Feb; 20lbs)

Any help would be great!!


  • Hello!

    I am pretty new to this life change myself so although I can't offer much advice, I just wanted to say hello and welcome!

    I hear a lot on here and from a friend about plateau-ing. Perhaps since your calories have been svery structured and controlled (assuming) maybe your system needs a bit of a jolt? (like I said totally not the best for advice here.. haha) Try to search other topics relevant to your concerns to see what other people say and to see how many people are prob. in the same boat!

    Either way, it sounds like you have been doing so well and I wish you the best!
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