If you could only workout on weekends....

If you could only workout on weekends what kind of workouts would you do? I know the majority of people are busy and sometimes even if you schedule like a pro, things come up that just need to be dealt with forcing you to push a workout off.

I'm trying to squeeze workouts in where I can but find the only two days of the week I can guarantee getting my heart rate up is Saturday and Sunday, not the ideal workout schedule and I know it's only a temporary thing but still want to make those two days effective as possible. I have joined Krav Maga which burns about 600 to 800 caloires in 90 minutes, and although they have classes later in the evenings I have only been able to make the Saturday class...I usually hit the gym on Sunday and get strength and cardio in (I like to burn around 1000 or more if I have it in me) and love to catch Zumba while I'm there.

What are some workouts you do when crunched for time or you are not able to get to the gym?


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I'd do HiIIT and either do one full body lifting session or an upper lower split if I did one full body, I might do some longer cardio on the other day and a core workout. Definitely look into HIIT to throw in on weekdays. You can get in an awesome workout in 10-15 minutes.