Losing weight & want some help with the excercise part!

Basically, for the most part of my teens I suffered with anorexia and with that came obsessive excercising. After getting diagnosed with hypothyroidism 6 years ago it seemed to get worse, especially seeing the weight gain. I started eating even less than i was and excercising excessively with my kettlebell, sit ups,etc anything that would help me lose weight and i did drop a considerable amount of weight and also started to see a six pack, but this started working against me the worse my thyroid got and eventually i couldnt lose weight i just kept gaining. However, i found the older I got the more I was able to deal with my issues and get some sort of control of it and that's when I went looking for an app to help me track my diet. I tried a few but i just couldnt stick to it. I found the app January this year and it told me my calorie goal was 1500 a day. I was a little sceptical at first because it was telling me to eat more calories than I was and I was only eating 1 meal a day and living off coffee ( and no this isn't me lying, I really was consuming 800 cals a day but still gaining) I figured my situation couldn't get any worse and started tracking and eating around this goal and by some miracle I started losing weight. I guess my body likes more calories. :) I'm now 12 pounds down as of today and want to start excercising again, but I don't know where to start. I love the kettle bell - I have an 8kg and also some light dumbbells. I guess I'm worried it'll start seeing the scale go up again, even if it is muscle Im gaining. Can anyone suggest some light exercises using weights that will help me tone, whilst at the same time still lose weight? I know iv done it before, but this time I want to do it the healthy way and make it permanent. :)

Thanks :)


  • lose4good1
    lose4good1 Posts: 222 Member
    If you like the kettleball Jillian Michael's has a good workout called shred it with weights
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    Honestly, to make sure you are eating and exercising in a healthy way, I think you should make an appointment with your regular physician. He or she will be able to go over your diet and help you out. No way is it healthy for anyone to be on an 800 cal/day diet, especially not with Thyroid issues.

    Good luck on your journey to be healthy!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Agreed. If you are eating 800 calories a day and gaining there really are only three options

    1. You're not tracking correctly or not telling the truth
    2. Some kind of thyroid issue
    3. You literally don't move all day. EVER.

    I think #2 sounds most likely
  • HappyHungryHealthy
    HappyHungryHealthy Posts: 121 Member
    I was eating 800 cals a day BEFORE I started tracking. Now I'm on 1500 a day, as a suggested goal by mfp and Ive lost 12 pounds, along with the correct dosage for my thyroid. So I guess upping my calories, in my case has worked for me. Now I want to start working some weights into my daily excercise and some other light excercises to help tone up and continue losing weight. Sorry if I didn't make much sense in my first post, I tried to explain it as best I could, but I'm not the best at explaining things lol

    Thanks for your help :)
  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    I was eating 800 cals a day BEFORE I started tracking. Now I'm on 1500 a day, as a suggested goal by mfp and Ive lost 12 pounds, along with the correct dosage for my thyroid.

    If you had thyroid issues, your doctor should have helped you make an appropriate diet. No one should be on 800 cal/day. With such a drastic change (800-->1500) you should definitely talk to your regular physician, probably your endocrinologist too.

    Good luck and stay healthy!