I Feel Like I'm Failing!



  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    First things first sister.... If you develop a plan that is so ridiculously out of line how can you EVER expect to stick with it and win? Let me help you with this one...YOU WON'T!!! If it's not fun, I want no part of it.. If I'm hungry, I will eat... If my nutrition is out of wack, everything follows. and furthermore, I CANNOT FORGET that I didn't get this way in 6 months. Why in the WORLD would I expect to be "all better" in that time frame. Now that the "chewng side" of me is done, let the compassion side come out now. Still with me? Ok Some basics I live by everyday. 1) You have to get your mind right for the body to follow. Every morning I have quiet time. abt 30 minutes to pray, write down my plan for the day, balance my checkbooks, and set my goals for the day. Without this step my day is pure *kitten*. 2) I write a positive post to my "team" Telling them the one thing I will focus on today. I truly believe if you start by making one change in your lifestyle each day, it becomes less daunting and you will be less overwhelmed. Zig Ziglar once said: You can have anything you want if you will help enough people get what they want!" It's true. By focusing on helping others to reach their goals, I stay more focused because in what I am telling others applies to me and keeps me aware. and Finally......

    Join my #onepound challenge. I wrote a blog on it. Here's the basis behind it. Too often we are overwhelmed with the 50, 60 , 70 or in my case the 110 lbs we need to lose. Me make so many rash decisions, and step on the scales daily to make sure we were right. (Scales have a delay factor too) I want you to read this blog post. and then pick a day and start. Just do it... now go read. Friend me if you like... I'm happy to add you to my team.. (#NoExcuses) here's the blog.

    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/commander38/view/just-what-is-onepound-anyway-472455 Much Love and encouragement.... Lee
  • luvmysweet2th
    I have 150 pounds to loose. I always stay under my calories thats one of my main goals. I ate out last night and kind of felt guilty. I worked out earlier in the day. So why should I feel guilty?I shouldn't is the answer. Its just the mind state I "could," stay in. Why feel bad if your doing so many things right and seeing results. One has to know that for self. I started less than two weeks ago. My focus has to be on total change in and out. Mind and body. Its okay to make mistakes as long as you don't give up when you do. Good luck with your journey.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I agree with Quirky. An all or nothing approach seems like it's just setting yourself up for failure. Have you tried making gradual changes? Check out these links. The group they are from has a lot of great information.



    Obviously you have to do what works for you, but IMO the best plan is the one you can stick to. Since you seem to be having a lot of trouble sticking to yours maybe it's time to give yourself less rules to follow.


    Also, you need to examine your mindset about weightloss if you are disappointed with 4-5lbs in a 10 day period. You can't expect Biggest Loser type results. You should be thrilled about your rate of loss and know that it will take a long time to get to your goal. But, those 10 days would have passed whether you lost weight or not. So, isn't it worth it to work towards your goal?
  • davibaby716
    davibaby716 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks fors post. It was a really good reminder for me.
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
    It might be hard because you've chosen to unreasonably restrict yourself. Ask yourself if this eating plan, no fast food, no junk food, no eating out, would be sustainable FOR LIFE? If you think you can do it for life, then just plow through and develop those habits now.

    If you think you can't (and most of us can't, that's okay) you might loosen up some of those restrictions. What a lot of us do is "IIFYM", If It Fits Your Macros. Meaning, anything is on the table as long as you can fit it into your calorie goal. It allows for the deficit while we develop better eating habits without depriving ourselves of things that make eating enjoyable.

    Also, one slice of pizza and one soup does not a failure make. That's not bad eating at all. Being too restrictive leads to binging and giving up, wheras relaxing some gives you room to keep making better decisions, no matter what the last choice was.

    ** This **
  • wildehare
    wildehare Posts: 10 Member
    I have the same problem sometimes. What I do is go to my food, log in EVERYTHING I ate while binging (that I can remember lol) . Put in your menu for the next day, forgive yourself for the bad day and move on to tomorrow . Make sure you are getting the right amount of calories for the exercise you are doing. Don't short yourself or the fat little demon in you will try and make you eat and eat and eat to make up for it.....
  • Elma1975
    Elma1975 Posts: 58
    I would say losing 4-5 lbs in 10 days is good. It is recommended 1 lbs per week. You will see result soon. Keep it up
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    When I'm floundering I pick ONE thing and do it well. Then when I'm feeling better I add other things in. I always pick exercise first. I just keep it going no matter how hard it is to get myself to do. After I keep it up the feelings of wanting to control my diet comes back. I've been doing this for over a year. About every 3 months I get that I can't do this any more feeling. I always thing this is it .... I've lost it. I just keep plugging away at the gym and then suddenly I can't figure out why I was having so much trouble.
  • wildehare
    wildehare Posts: 10 Member
    Oops, I forgot to mention. If you are getting tired of plain veggies, Get a nice assortment,--carrots, onion chunks, eggplant slices, mushrooms cauliflower, whatever, spray them with olive oil or Pam olive oil spray, sprinkle with salt and roast in a hot oven 450 to 500 degrees and keep tossing occasionally til they get tender and brown a bit. They get a little sweet and are an awesome snack. I try and make a big batch on the weekend. You could sprinkle them with seasoning salt or garlic if you like too. BIG HELP when you get home in the evening and are starving if you can just microwave a bowl of these veggies.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Giving yourself brutal rules will more than likely make it hard to be successful, although it might work for some folks. I think sometimes we go into this with an all or nothing mentality whereas a more relaxed attitude that keeps you on track the majority of the time, but allows for some limited "extras", makes it much more realistic for most people. And if you use up half of your day's allotment on one meal, work on figuring out how to eat the rest of the day on what's left...which will probably lead you to including lots of fruits, vegetables and some protein, which is a good thing.

    So don't be so hard on yourself and just get back on track now. Don't use your disappointment in yourself over a short lapse to give yourself a reason to quit. That would be the biggest disappointment.
  • rowecourt
    rowecourt Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all the nice helpful advice. You all really know your stuff :) I've been in ups and downs this week. I never had to try to lose weight before I had kids. I could dwell on how good age 18-23 was but i want to say *I* made the 26 Yr old me better.
    I guess im feeling the whiny "why me" crap because of that and other stress in my life right now (relationship problems, armed robbery at work...too much lol!) Stress does help me sometimes too, though..
    But on my highs, I am proud of myself for finally starting this. I know im eating better than ever before and im always smiling when I leave the gym. I think my weight loss is water so im prepared to see it slow down. But if I stick to my goals I know I will only get better! Thanks again I am glad I joined. Support is everything.