Red Robin French Fries

Oh my I totally blew my calorie intake tonight. Went to Red Robin, and I had a turkey burger, which was high, but not really bad. Then of course I had the french fries. Totally blew everything! 2 cups of french fries, about 8 over 800 calories. Oh well, I won't be doing that again anytime soon!


  • Honeybea86
    Ooh I love red robin. Get the turkey burger protein style next time with a side salad! Super yummy and fairly healthy for eating at a burger joint!
  • KelliH729
    KelliH729 Posts: 208 Member
    Oh my I totally blew my calorie intake tonight. Went to Red Robin, and I had a turkey burger, which was high, but not really bad. Then of course I had the french fries. Totally blew everything! 2 cups of french fries, about 8 over 800 calories. Oh well, I won't be doing that again anytime soon!

    See my personal belief is not to deny yourself anything. Should you go to Red Robin and chow down on fries every day? No, of course not. Once a month? Sure why not :). And their fries are pretty awesome!
  • Deloresbolt
    Deloresbolt Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks Ketz and Honeybea. I do believe it will be along long time before I go there again...... Besides the fact that it is expensive. Oh well, only 1 lb lost this week, but that is ok. It is one less than I was last week. :-)

    Again, thanks for the support!
  • jaireed
    jaireed Posts: 333 Member
    My husband and I go there about once a month. We get the Burning Love Burger, double patty, minus the sauce and share it. I eat half the burger and all my fries. I always order an extra basket and pick out a few of the good fries. I don't eat a lot of carbs everyday so this is a delicious splurge. Plus if you share with an extra patty the two of us get full for about $10.00
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I haven't been to Red Robin in years. And now I really want to go!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Ooooh, I love their fries and seasoning salt. At least you chose a turkey burger. I would have gotten the fish and chips. :blushing:
  • Kimberly3013
    Kimberly3013 Posts: 78 Member
    My husband and I go there about once a month also. They do have the best burgers and fries. I also like there salads so I eat a salad before my meal so that I won't eat many fries.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    I ate there last month when I was on a trip for work. I rarely go places like Red Robin, so I just enjoyed my fries and california chicken burger and worked it off when I got home :)
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Oh my I totally blew my calorie intake tonight. Went to Red Robin, and I had a turkey burger, which was high, but not really bad. Then of course I had the french fries. Totally blew everything! 2 cups of french fries, about 8 over 800 calories. Oh well, I won't be doing that again anytime soon!

    See my personal belief is not to deny yourself anything. Should you go to Red Robin and chow down on fries every day? No, of course not. Once a month? Sure why not :). And their fries are pretty awesome!

    Amen to that!!!!
  • swilson133
    I didn't realize how many calories their burgers packed until after I ate one! WOW. But it was worth every bite.
  • alias1001
    alias1001 Posts: 634 Member
    I had the same issue yesterday. I knew it would be bad, but holy crap! An UNO's individual pizza, Chicago classic deep dish is 2160 calories with 148 grams of fat, 51 saturated, and 1 g trans to boot. Do they inject it with oil? Glad I only had half.

    Teaches me to check every time before I order something.