Progress ?

Aid_B Posts: 427
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
OK, So i started hereon 24th Feb 2010 and i've been logging every day and exercising more regularly.

I've managed to stay under cals most days but have not seen any significant weight loss, so my question is this.....

How long did it take before the lbs to start coming off ? and how accurate is the prediction to actual weight loss when you entered your details

Thanks for the replies.

Aid :wink:


  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I found that in order to loose weight, I had to tweek the settings a bit. In order for me to loose 1 lb per week I had to set the profile to 2lbs per week and lightly active. I changed up each day if I ate all the calories or didn't, and it kept my body guessing.

    Depending on how close you are to a healthy weight, will also change how fast you loose the weight. Early on I lost a bunch of weight then it slowed down significantly.

    Don't loose heart. You will get there.
  • kimmrdodge
    kimmrdodge Posts: 190 Member
    hey, I was looking at your food diary. I'm not sure what you have your goals set to ect, but I did notice that the amount of calories you eat varies quite a bit. Maybe you are eating all your exercise calories??? I have read that you really don't want to eat them all . Some of them yes, so you don't go under 1200 calories. The other thing I noticed is the lack of vegetables in your diary, I don't hardly see any. And things like white rice, a good amount of bread and rolls daily. This could all be contributing to the lack of weight loss. I'm pretty new myself but from the things I have read I do know you have to be careful about the kinda of carbs you are eating....maybe substitute brown rice for white rice, or even use couscous. You are eating a lot of meat and carbs which is good but in moderation. And if you add vegetables, like salads ect to your meals you will feel a lot more content. I know I do. For me I'm trying to loose at least 2 lbs a week so it has me set at 1200 calories and I pretty much hit that or very close, within 100 calories or so. So far it seems to be working pretty well.

    Also, I see you don't really log your water. I find when I slow down my water intake I lose a little less fast. It's very important to get a large amount of water everyday.
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    I've always had to eat more to lose weight. I'll go for a few weeks at my recommended intake (1210) then when I start to plateau, I'll up my calories by a couple hundred for about a week. This works like a charm for me, every time!
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Thanks for the advice, I weighed my self today and was up slightly so my new plan is this

    1. No white bread, White Pasta, and cut down the baked potato's
    2. Drink more water, Lots more
    3. change my goals to loose 1lb a week not 2
    4. More Veggies.
    5. Keep the exercise up

    Right now i feel like giving up but .........

    That was the old me :O)

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