Did not loose anything .. WTF !!!



  • Aarjono
    Aarjono Posts: 228 Member
    As others have said, just be patient, but boy, is *that* easier said than done!! I lost 12 pounds in January, and *nothing* in February, even though I added more exercise to my weekly regime. However, at the end of January I started using a tape measure, and I lost 10 inches by the end of February. If I had not been taking measurements, I would have gotten really discouraged by only focusing on the scale, even though each day I physically felt better and stronger than the day before.

    Good luck!! It is a marathon, not a sprint.
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    As others have said, just be patient, but boy, is *that* easier said than done!! I lost 12 pounds in January, and *nothing* in February, even though I added more exercise to my weekly regime. However, at the end of January I started using a tape measure, and I lost 10 inches by the end of February. If I had not been taking measurements, I would have gotten really discouraged by only focusing on the scale, even though each day I physically felt better and stronger than the day before.

    Good luck!! It is a marathon, not a sprint.

    You certainly inspire me I have to say xxx thank you !
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    sometimes it doesn't move as fast as you'd like...
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    Keep it up, drewboy30! I had joined a program at my hospital where we have guidance from nutritionists and exercise physiologists, and got included in a study concerning diet and exercise. The first great piece of advice was to increase my breakfast calories. I'm a yogurt, fruit, and cereal breakfast type, and a small increase in yogurt and cereal made a huge difference for me.

    When I started to plateau, I was advised to increase my caloric intake because my exercise was starting to put me into starvation mode. On one of my last checkups, I found that I had lost nine pounds of fat since September, but gained three pounds of muscle. That was encouraging, because we could see how my body was changing. My weight loss results haven't been immediate, but I was encouraged to keep doing what I'm doing. My plateau continued throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and I have just started losing again and broke one of my first big barriers.

    Wow !! you have done so well ... i am impressed !

    I have increased my goal to 1800 calories a day and had a bit of a blow out this evening :) .. think that was right !! lets see where i go now ..!!!

    One thing I am ... i am determined to loose !!!