I Really Want a Cupcake



  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    Any kind of diet soda and how much? 12 oz can or 20 oz bottle?
  • acakeforawife
    cake mix + diet sode INSTEAD OF the other ingredients; make into cupcakes - less than 10 calories each! Top w/ cool whip and makes for a guiltless sweet treat - we LOVE them!! :love:

    These are good, I've tried different flavors of cake mix and diet soda, even my kids like them. I believe you've got the calories wrong though. They are definitely more than 10 calories each! A cake is usually 12 servings and the calorie info on the box is per serving. Sounds like you divided the per serving info by 12!
    The 12 servings is if you were to make it into a cake and cut it into 12 slices. If you make cupcakes, it's 24 servings. For example: Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Classic Yellow Cake mix = 180 calories; makes 24 cupcakes = 7.5 calories per cupcake. Diet soda = 0 calories. The less than 10 calories per was taking into account any lite/fat free cool whip on top.

    Think your math is a little bit wonky. The cake is 180 calories per serving, 12 servings per cake, therefore the entire box of cake mix is 2160 calories. So if you make 24 cupcakes out of it they are 90 calories each. Still pretty good (I make them a lot too!) but sadly not 10 calories a piece!!! :smile:
  • TheMotherAwesome
    TheMotherAwesome Posts: 174 Member
    There are red velvet cupcakes in my office right now, screaming my name! I have, thus far, been able to fill myself up with apple slices and water and have not given in. Fruit has become my new coping mechanism!
  • bonnienm
    bonnienm Posts: 329 Member
    That calorie count would be figured if the cake was made as directed. I think there should be a nutritional listing on the box for the cake mix only and that sounds like the calories used to calculate the under 10 calories figure. I don't have a cake mix to look at so can't figure it out for sure.
  • acakeforawife
    That calorie count would be figured if the cake was made as directed. I think there should be a nutritional listing on the box for the cake mix only and that sounds like the calories used to calculate the under 10 calories figure. I don't have a cake mix to look at so can't figure it out for sure.

    No, that 180 is for Mix only. Baked is 270 calories per serving. Trust me, I know my cakes. :bigsmile:
  • aedfit
    aedfit Posts: 65 Member
    If you've got an iPhone or iTouch there is an app called "Cupcakes!". You get to go through the whole process of choosing your batter, baking, frosting and topping ech one and then get to "eat" them.

    Ok, ok....so I know it's not the real thing but I've actually used it and pretended I could taste the cupcake with each "bite". Plus it's a fun time killer to get past the craving.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Trying the diet pop cake now. The calorie count is 180 per 1/2 cake, according to the package. I'm excited!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Sorry - that should have read 1/12 of the cake.