Dream Life



  • sandynas
    sandynas Posts: 89 Member
    In my dream life i would be 40 lbs lighter, healthier, and toned..
    I'd be married (I'm engaged) with a culinary degree working in my own restaurant.
    My husband and i would have a nice big house in L.A or somewhere else with warm weather.
    Maybe 2 kids down the line..
    Nothing its impossible!
  • sandynas
    sandynas Posts: 89 Member
    I'm currently working toward my dream of being an interior designer and architect. I want to move to the East coast, like Connecticut or Massachusetts...hell, I want to live anywhere but Indiana. But as much as I want city life, I still like having the option of getting away to my parents' farm for the weekend. I enjoy that simplicity every once in awhile.

    I live in Boston MA and i love it! Nice balance of city AND suburbs.
    Only thing i hate is the weather..but my whole fam is here and it's where i was raised so it will always be home.
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    My dream life would be me finish college and my art being more recognized. I would be working towards being an actress and try to get into that line of work. To get enough money to life comfortably. Not sure where I'd live, but I'd travel from time to time. I'd be able to keep a horse or two again and show and train. I would treat my friends to nice trips out west with me. And I'd get some nice roles in some films. But I'd still just be me. I would find a man to love and some day marry.

    I know wild for something. But if I work...who knows. One out of a million shot though.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I've always wanted to be a writer. I'm working on a few different stories and poems, but for the time being, it's just for fun.

    I'd also like to be able to go back to college so I can work on behalf of veterans at the VA. Hubby is medically retired and it's so frustrating to see what he & his fellow vets have to go through to get anything done.

    It would also be sweet to have a home in the Bahamas so I can live there when it's too cold in Washington :bigsmile:
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I'm pretty simple really.

    Don't die = dream life.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Too meet someone attainable, fall in love and them in love with me. Get swept off my feet and get married. Move outta the state I live in and go someplace Tropical. Get my masters in Sports medicine and work for the Lakers. Get a dog, and possibly have another child. This is my 5 year plan as of now. See you in 5 with the update. :heart:
  • linxus
    linxus Posts: 87
    I am currently in school for marketing. So.. to be successful with a decent wage at a marketing firm would be awesome. To live in a nice condo with me and my boyfriend. Both with similar work schedules and plenty of time for eachother. We currently aren't able to make it in a condo by ourselves right now so that is really my dream..
  • linxus
    linxus Posts: 87
    I'm currently working toward my dream of being an interior designer and architect. I want to move to the East coast, like Connecticut or Massachusetts...hell, I want to live anywhere but Indiana. But as much as I want city life, I still like having the option of getting away to my parents' farm for the weekend. I enjoy that simplicity every once in awhile.

    Up here in Mass we are the state of services, so that is a great idea. : ) Services are a huge demand up here.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I would like to own about a half section of land in the mountains (a VERY wooded section).

    Clear out a large area in the woods, build a small house, have chickens, a couple cows, goats and horses.
    I would like the house to have indoor plumbing, that's about it. No electricity or anything and basically live off the land, with the occasional trip into town. I would be fine without children, as long as I had my various pets other than farm animals and my SO.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I'm pretty simple really.

    Don't die = dream life.

    It's amazing how a life threatening illness can change your perspective on life. :smile:
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I'd own a big plantation in Louisiana that was restored to it's original glory right down to the furniture. Some of the rooms would be like museum rooms and be off limits so they wouldn't get sullied. I wouldn't grow anything just live in the house. Being able to keep it all up by myself.

    I'd also not be mentally ill and not have to take five psych drugs a day that, even with a deductible, cost me $375 a month along with the $300 worth of psych visits, that aren't covered, a month. I'd be happy and sane.

    I'd drive one of those big old convertibles like you see on Perry Mason episodes too.

    I wouldn't have to work or worry and could be a simple housewife.

    Geesh, I don't want to live in the past much, do I?

    Now that I see it in print it sounds pretty foolish to me.
  • KrystalLight03
    I'm currently working toward my dream of being an interior designer and architect. I want to move to the East coast, like Connecticut or Massachusetts...hell, I want to live anywhere but Indiana. But as much as I want city life, I still like having the option of getting away to my parents' farm for the weekend. I enjoy that simplicity every once in awhile.

    I live in Boston MA and i love it! Nice balance of city AND suburbs.
    Only thing i hate is the weather..but my whole fam is here and it's where i was raised so it will always be home.

    I've never been to Boston, but just by looking at pictures and seeing snippets of the city on House Hunters, I really feel like it's where I'm meant to end up one day. The closest I've ever been to the East Coast is Pennsylvania, but I've just had this unexplainable feeling like it's where I belong. I'm hoping that getting into Harvard or Yale for grad school will be the first step in accomplishing my dream. But as exciting and romantic as I find the idea of leaving Indiana to be, the thought of having to leave my family nearly paralyzes me with fear. That's when I think that Chicago doesn't sound so bad either.
  • CherryLoveLove
    I would be a hard woking English Teacher in Japan, with a lovely hardworking Japanese Maths Teacher. We'd live in a nice apartment, I'd have my pets, and I'd have a secure amount of money in the bank ;) I would make lots of fun friends, and I'd collect as much manga and anime as I want ;)
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    Great Topic!

    I have a great life and it's continuing to get better and better and my dreams are continuing to evolve and become a reality. I have this vision of a place called "Sally's House" - That is also the title of the book I'd like to write some day :)

    Sally's House (Which is also the name of my business) would be a home of health for Mind/Body/Spirit. It would involve extended stay/weekend retreats as well as stop in's for daily appointments. This home would care for the morbid and super morbidly obese patients in a setting where we would cater to the whole person with an approach of love.

    I will be the director of the program and house as well as a teacher/coach and leader. I'd have a team built around me to support the financial aspect of the home (That's not my for-tay!!! :) - but all decisions would be based of the care of our clients.

    I will travel across the country and world as a motivational speaker and author.

    I will be living in a quaint but stunning log home on some acreage. My parents farm which is stunning as is will be encased by a beautiful white fence with beef cattle roaming through the hills and ravines on their own keeping it clear of brush and they would not have to worry about a thing.

    Yup - that sounds pretty darn good and I believe in my hearts of hearts this will happen! :)
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    My current life. With the house we want, and this dog. Maybe I'm magically a therapist overnight so I can help people. OH and NO MORE back pain!!!!!!!!!!

    Honestly my current life was my dream life for three years, so I'm pleased as punch.
  • ZHawk1123
    ZHawk1123 Posts: 215
    In my dream life, I'm really muscular... I own six indoor cats and have the best cable package available.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I would live in London on the Thames.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    My husband and I currently have a pretty great life.

    But if I were able to live my dream life, I would still be married to my husband and have the three fantastic dogs we have. The biggest changes I would love to have happen is that I wish that our part-time job of doing boarding school for dogs could become full-time and pay all the bills. Unfortunately, I have to work a job that provides insurance because my husband has some serious health problems that we could not afford to treat if not for insurance. Obviously, in my dream life, his health problems would be gone. Then we would buy a house and some property somewhere away from the city. I am tired of living the city life! The noise, the traffic, the rude people, I'd love to move away from it all. A house on a lake would be my dream.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    I would have been a professional surfer.
    When I was younger, I played sports, including surfing, as nothing more then a fun pastime.
    I surfed with Kelly in the mid 80's at Sebastian and I never gave it much thought.

    Had I known then what I know now, I would have taken it much more seriously.
    Although in hindsight, if I DID take it seriously, maybe it would not have been fun anymore?
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I would be an adventure travel photographer, personal trainer and adventure guide, in between practicing what I preach.

    I'd love to have a happy solid little humble home base. Where I do all my best planning an entertaining from and all my regular life stuff. I would love for that place to stay NY as long as possible. Once a month, I would go off on a crazy adventure, and once every 3-5 months a really big epic quest type adventure. Like ziplining in the Amazon, wreck diving in the carribbean and skiing some crazy quiet serene little secret mountain in a year, peppered with little smaller adventures in between - anywhere I can get them, locally or not. rock houses, live music, sporting events, interactive workshops, snow sports, water parks, swimming in the ocean, volleyball in the sand - a big tournament full of friends, flag football, learning stunts and trapeze and sword fighting, trampolines and tumbling and learning to swim in a straight line on purpose, underwater photography.... even doing laundry and cooking dinner and running errands.... it's all fun prep for life....\

    kissing the blarney stone, hide and go seek in stonehenge, kissing in Paris on top of the eiffel tower, Russia... China... JAPAN OMG.... scaling a hotel wall in Vegas and a castle in Europe, seeing Athens and Madrid and Rome, running the original marathon trail, ..............the OUTBACK! ...climbing an actual mountain.... making love under the aurora borealis....

    My dream life isn't a dream, it's a list. And when it's time for the greatest scariest adventure of all, I'll be ready.