1 week in, and now I'm hungry

Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I was fine for the first week, but yesterday and today, I feel hungry. I don't think much has changed in my diet. Why, oh why, am I now hungry? Is this catching up to me? Am I not eating enough? Has this happened to anyone else - you feel great, feel satiated, and then bam! HUNGRY!

I try to eat at least 1800 calories a day because I breastfeed. Because of that goal, I get enough activity to gain between 600-1000 calories extra every day so I can eat those calories above the 1200 I've been given.

I've lost nearly 3 lbs in just this first week, so it's working, but... now I'm really hungry...


  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I'm not sure because my week is tomorrow but I have found that this first week I've been cranky! lol But I've felt hungry since day one...just trying to make the change period I think is hard.
  • Don't let it win! Eat some garbanzo beans, something with LOTS of protein and not much fat. I munch on maybe tuna on top of a plain rice cake - that helps. Or drink a tea or something warm, I know that also oatmeal helps me a lot, it fills me up quick with a banana - PLS! don't give up! If not now, then when???

    When you say hungry - I know what you mean. I just began yesterday and today I got "hungry", I got hungry for fats - :/ BUT I won't let it win. I already indulged myself all my life, so it's time for a change.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    mmm.... tuna on a rice cake actually sounds pretty good!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    I was fine for the first week, but yesterday and today, I feel hungry. I don't think much has changed in my diet. Why, oh why, am I now hungry? Is this catching up to me? Am I not eating enough? Has this happened to anyone else - you feel great, feel satiated, and then bam! HUNGRY!

    I try to eat at least 1800 calories a day because I breastfeed. Because of that goal, I get enough activity to gain between 600-1000 calories extra every day so I can eat those calories above the 1200 I've been given.

    I've lost nearly 3 lbs in just this first week, so it's working, but... now I'm really hungry...

    If you lost 3 pounds in the first week, you'll be able to bump the calories up and still lose weight. Just add 50-100 calories for a few days and see if it makes a difference. Just keep the extra calories healthy and you'll be just fine. There's no way to determine exactly how many calories you're burning from breastfeeding anyway and it could be more than what you're estimating.
  • MelissaLu
    MelissaLu Posts: 83
    I def. know what you mean. I'm on my third week and yesterday I felt like I was starving myself when I wasn't. I, too, am still trying to find good foods that make me full for longer. Drinking tons of water does not help either, I can feel it sloshing around in my stomach, reminding me that I'm hungry lol xD
    I like to keep myself busy. When I'm busy I don't even think about or care about food, so I just make up stuff to do lol.
  • Keep trying to fight the feeling! I am right there with you. Tomorrow is the end of my first week (and weigh-in), but I am suddenly ravenously hungry and I screwed up today with eating already.

    Just don't give up. This is so hard. It really is. But we can beat it. YOU can beat it.
  • It's my thoughts, and I'm no expert by no means, but when we change our eating habits and start to drop weight, our bodies try to counter it by triggering hunger. It's a sure fire sign that your doing it right, your burning fat, and your body is trying to sabatoge you and keep what it's stored. Try drinking water to curb the sensations, and also, a high fiber snack can help. It doesn't last more than a few days and then the apatite actually shrinks and you will find you can't eat as much aa you used to. I'm sure the breast feeding is also trigering you to eat, but as long as your eating healthy, you will be fine. Congratulations on doing so well. Keep up the good work.
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    It's my thoughts, and I'm no expert by no means, but when we change our eating habits and start to drop weight, our bodies try to counter it by triggering hunger. It's a sure fire sign that your doing it right, your burning fat, and your body is trying to sabatoge you and keep what it's stored. Try drinking water to curb the sensations, and also, a high fiber snack can help. It doesn't last more than a few days and then the apatite actually shrinks and you will find you can't eat as much aa you used to. I'm sure the breast feeding is also trigering you to eat, but as long as your eating healthy, you will be fine. Congratulations on doing so well. Keep up the good work.

    I find that, along with more fiber, also more protien helps me to stay full longer!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Up your protein. I feel more satisfied if I eat eggs at breakfast. Grilled chicken breast is really filling too. The other thing I noticed when I first started is that sometimes drinking a bottle of water or a can of diet soda would help with the hunger.
  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    I was fine for the first week, but yesterday and today, I feel hungry. I don't think much has changed in my diet. Why, oh why, am I now hungry? Is this catching up to me? Am I not eating enough? Has this happened to anyone else - you feel great, feel satiated, and then bam! HUNGRY!

    I try to eat at least 1800 calories a day because I breastfeed. Because of that goal, I get enough activity to gain between 600-1000 calories extra every day so I can eat those calories above the 1200 I've been given.

    I've lost nearly 3 lbs in just this first week, so it's working, but... now I'm really hungry...

    If I understand what you're saying... your BASE calories for the day are 1200, and you exercise to "earn" the extra to make 1800? Or is your base 1800, and you exercise for calories above and beyond?

    If your base is 1200 and you're breastfeeding, you are not getting enough calories. If you're going to exercise, most people will tell you to eat at least 1/2 of the calories you burn -- but breastfeeding on top of that is a whole different ball game. You may want to consult a nutritionist, but it sounds to me like you're starving yourself -- and that wont be good for your baby, either!

    I'm not an expert, and I've never had a baby -- just offering my 2 cents!
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    My base is 1200, but I add in breastfeeding as an "exercise" every day - 400 calories (she's a 6 month-er), so that makes 1600. Then I exercise/garden to bring the total up between 1800 and 2000, and I try to eat all my exercise calories, usually falling just a little under.
  • Junisahn
    Junisahn Posts: 166 Member
    It's my thoughts, and I'm no expert by no means, but when we change our eating habits and start to drop weight, our bodies try to counter it by triggering hunger. It's a sure fire sign that your doing it right, your burning fat, and your body is trying to sabatoge you and keep what it's stored. Try drinking water to curb the sensations, and also, a high fiber snack can help. It doesn't last more than a few days and then the apatite actually shrinks and you will find you can't eat as much aa you used to. I'm sure the breast feeding is also trigering you to eat, but as long as your eating healthy, you will be fine. Congratulations on doing so well. Keep up the good work.

    This makes tons of sense to me. My body is figuring it all out. I'm at work now, and get to go home in 10 minutes and have a slice of toast with a serving of PB & homemade strawberry jam and a cup of strawberries. VERY much lookng foward to it!!!
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    Get use to it - I am week 6 and continue to be hungry always! . I drink water when my stomach growls. ..always!
  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    Get use to it - I am week 6 and continue to be hungry always! . I drink water when my stomach growls. ..always!
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