Starting Insanity tomorrow? 4th March



  • pixiechk201
    pixiechk201 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm week 2 so I'll join you! I tried to get through this last year and bailed about 6 weeks in. I'm totally going to make it to the end this time!
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    How long are the workouts ?
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I finished Insanity today so can't join you I'm afraid, but just thought you might be interested to know that Shaun T and his 'Shaunterage' are ALSO starting Insanity tomorrow!!! Yup they are doing the whole thing, fit tests and all so it might help with extra motivation to keep up with their updates too. I follow Insanity and Shaun T on facebook so if you're on fb you can catch up with them on there. Think it is a nice bonus!!

    Good luck, it'll be a tough 9 weeks but you can totally do it!
    Awesome - thanks for the info! I'm doing my fit test tonight.
  • simplycorey
    simplycorey Posts: 721 Member
    I started Insanity today too! This is my second attempt. I started several months ago and made it about 4.5 weeks but then I quit because my husband couldn't do it with me any more, I got sick and just lost my motivation. I started it by myself this time and really want to finish it. It's definitely challenging but such an awesome workout.
  • FiveElevenClimb
    I am currently on my first week of month two but I'm still down the be friends if you are.
  • sarabella1987
    sarabella1987 Posts: 29 Member
    i'm starting today too!
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    My husband and I both are starting Insanity today, this is my third round and his first. I absolutely love this program. I just finished Insanity Asylum Vol.1, so I'll be incorporating the Asylum in with running to get ready for my first Warrior Dash race. Good luck all!!
  • kludwig87
    kludwig87 Posts: 8 Member
    I started it last night...insane! The fit test alone burned 300 calories! Im excited to get home and do the first workout! I had to make my own food plan because I have celiac and am gluten free! Hopefully my adjustments work!!
  • msgrowinggirl20
    Wow...That fit test was no joke!!! But I feel good.

    I took out before pictures...I look HORRIBLE!
    Can't wait for those to be afters.
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    I just did Day 2 and it was really tough! I struggled with parts of it and couldnt keep up, taking more breaks than I should. I am going to stick with it though and looking forward to one day I will be able to keep up!
  • KarCrib
    KarCrib Posts: 39 Member
    The fitness test was alright. I dislocated my knee a little over two weeks ago so I did not do the jumps as intensly as they do on the dvd but I still did what I could. It was a good work out and am looking forward to doing the first FULL workout tonight. Will report back tomorrow morning!!
  • msgrowinggirl20
    Looking forward to CPR TONIGHT!