Why can't I...

alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
throw away junk food that was brought in my house by someone else??

stop eating the junk food that I know is not good for me and will only sabotage my weight loss plans??

say no to eating when I am not even hungry???

I just say "no thanks"????

why why why????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????? :sad: :sad: :sad:

It is sooooooooooo hard for me!!!! I had a twix in my hand today and as I was opening it I was saying to myself "I know I am not hungry, I should not be eating this" and I ate it anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need support, words of encouragement, motivation!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and my husband is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time after dinner he asks me what I brought home for dessert or if I made something...:mad: :mad:


  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    throw away junk food that was brought in my house by someone else??

    stop eating the junk food that I know is not good for me and will only sabotage my weight loss plans??

    say no to eating when I am not even hungry???

    I just say "no thanks"????

    why why why????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????? :sad: :sad: :sad:

    It is sooooooooooo hard for me!!!! I had a twix in my hand today and as I was opening it I was saying to myself "I know I am not hungry, I should not be eating this" and I ate it anyways!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need support, words of encouragement, motivation!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and my husband is the worst!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every time after dinner he asks me what I brought home for dessert or if I made something...:mad: :mad:
  • backontrac
    backontrac Posts: 27 Member
    GIVE IT AWAY.. when I have company they bring all kind of JUNK in the house. When they leave either they take it with them or I pack everything up and give it to a friend.
    If nothing else..take it to the local food bank.. that might sound goofy..but I HAVE DONE THAT to save myself from eating things I can not handle.
    I would sooner give it away then toss it or WORSE..EAT THAT STUFF.. my will-power is NONE .
    Just dont give up. I have given in to junk also.. we all have..thats why we are here...to gain support..
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    :grumble: I'm with you, that's why we're here, and that's why many of us just don't bring it in the house, or throw it away when the guests leave:sad: :sad: .
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    You are more powerful than the food. Truly, you are.

    Here's a crazy exercise I made myself do once. I bought a pint of ice cream, then spooned it down the disposal.

    It was the most therapeutic $5 I've ever spent. It proved to me that lightning wouldn't strike me (or some other catastrophe from "food wasting") if I exerted power over food.

    I think the reason that I was overweight for so long is because I sucked at "no." and "no thanks". I wanted to please everybody at whatever cost to myself.

    I would have a serious talk w/ your husband regarding this. Maybe decide to have a dessert once a week, or something like that. Dessert is a treat, not a necessary ending to a meal.

    And once again, YOU are more powerful than the food.:flowerforyou:
  • elliott062907
    elliott062907 Posts: 1,508 Member
    Know what I started doing? Putting up fatty pictures.....
    Ones of me before I lost the weight and ones on a pc image that I want to be.

    It makes you think.....

    Ever watch BBC America, you are what you eat??

    makes you think!!!
  • elatoria
    elatoria Posts: 30
    I struggle with the exact same thing... one thing that works for me is to find something to do when a craving like that hits. anything to get my mind occupied, whether it's laundry, sweeping the floor, go online to MFP, take out the trash (i'm a stay at home mom, so it's usually some type of housework). when i finish what i'm doing, the craving is usually gone. if i'm still thinking about the food, i might allow myself a little just to stop the craving.
    don't be so hard on yourself though. changing your habits is not easy! just know that there are a lot of people here in the same boat, and we're here to give each other support!
    chin up!:wink:
  • emtink
    emtink Posts: 387 Member
    You are more powerful than the food. Truly, you are.

    Here's a crazy exercise I made myself do once. I bought a pint of ice cream, then spooned it down the disposal.

    It was the most therapeutic $5 I've ever spent. It proved to me that lightning wouldn't strike me (or some other catastrophe from "food wasting") if I exerted power over food.

    I think the reason that I was overweight for so long is because I sucked at "no." and "no thanks". I wanted to please everybody at whatever cost to myself.

    I would have a serious talk w/ your husband regarding this. Maybe decide to have a dessert once a week, or something like that. Dessert is a treat, not a necessary ending to a meal.

    And once again, YOU are more powerful than the food.:flowerforyou:

    omg, you should be a therapist:laugh:

    i have a slightly different philosophy. i have dessert almost every night, but i fit it in to my calories. i know that if i deny myself, i'll go nuts! so, my best strategy is to eat what i want, but in small doses within my calorie limit. we all have our ways of dealing i guess...

    chin up, tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it:wink:
  • LightenUp_Caro
    LightenUp_Caro Posts: 572 Member
    I LOVE to bake. I'm always baking buttery pastries and chocolate cakes and what not...

    Every now and then I'll eat what I bake, but other times I give it to people (especially my skinny roommate hehe) and I take it to study groups.

    I used to think that I had to eat what I baked, and if I was going to lose weight I had to stop cooking, but really, I've started baking healthy for me, and not so healthy as well.
    I've made MANY friends and shed some pounds.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    I LOVE to bake. I'm always baking buttery pastries and chocolate cakes and what not...

    Every now and then I'll eat what I bake, but other times I give it to people (especially my skinny roommate hehe) and I take it to study groups.

    I used to think that I had to eat what I baked, and if I was going to lose weight I had to stop cooking, but really, I've started baking healthy for me, and not so healthy as well.
    I've made MANY friends and shed some pounds.

    I agree, I have found that sometimes when I am craving or just hungry I prepare food and baked goods, even if not for me or its for the next day. I find that it's enough to curb the appetitie because I'm busy but also, I know I'm going to give most of it away, so just a taste of what I'm preparing is enough..
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    A big THANKS to all who replied!!!!!!!!!! Yes, today is a new day!!!!!!!! I already put a bag of mini snickers my daughter left here in my work bag to bring to work and leave it in the kitchen for others to eat!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't throw it away hee hee

    My worst times are late afternoons and after dinner but I am hanging in there!!

    Thanks again!! And have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    I bring it to work....all the guys will eat it all lol
  • cobra1368
    cobra1368 Posts: 90 Member
    I used to have a real problem with this too. I recently beat it. I still fall off the wagon now and again, but not overindulgence like I used to.

    My boss would buy all kinds of crap: Pop Tarts, chocolate, granola bars, etc., and put it in front of MY office, because he knew I'd eat it!

    One day, I just looked at that pile of crap, thought about how I felt physically after eating sugary snacks all day, and I would say to myself, "I've eaten that stuff already, I know what it tastes like, it is yummy, but I'm not really missing anything."

    I would trick myself into thinking that I could have something if I wanted it, but that I didn't really want it. I started bringing things like yogurt, fruit, mixed nuts, and dried fruit to the office, and every time I had to pass the junk table, if I so much as thought about grabbing something, I'd either make myself a cup of green tea or eat a handful of one of my healthy snacks.

    It took a lot of time to condition myself that way.

    I also have my healthy cheat: sugar-free, net carb free, dark chocolate. Trader Joes sells it. It is really good (I LOVE dark chocolate), it has antioxidants in it, and it really helps curb my craving for candy.