So exercising and eating right to lose weight is a hoax?



  • wldrose75
    wldrose75 Posts: 128
    I opened my diary. If all these "processed and fast foods are super unhealthy and the reason you aren't losing weight" people looked at it, they'd think I was on the verge of death and couldn't possibly lose weight that way. That's obviously nonsense.

    How practical. And such common sense. I think I love you.

    When I become frustrated with my progress, I remind myself that it took me 5+ years to put on 100 pounds and I am not going to lose it in 5 weeks. "Healthy" weight loss is considered to be 2 lbs per week so it seems to me you are right on track.

    I am practical and lazy beyond belief. I don't want to do anything I don't have to do, so I ignore all the dumb stuff that has no actual effect on health or body composition.

    Preach it, Brother J. I *LOVE* that you eat Taco Bell (yes, I went and took a peek! :wink: ) and other "junk." Though many here would disagree (and I may be opening myself up to a bunch of comments against what I am about to say), IMO, weighing less eating Taco Bell is still better than being obese.

    Without Subway and Taco Bell I would be lost.

    This man is my idol!!!
  • ghhosstt
    ghhosstt Posts: 112
    aw, honey. I can tell you're frustrated.

    I'm not sure if this has been said yet, but if you have been very observant in monitoring your calories (not just estimating, but actually clocking everything for a few days to be sure) and getting exercise, then you may want to get your thyroid checked. A low thyroid could be a major factor in not being able to lose any weight or losing it far more slowly than MFP estimates you should be. Obviously something is off, because it's apparent that healthy diet and exercise DOES work, or else this site wouldn't exist in the first place. ;)
    I wish you all the best.

    ETA: I just noticed that you've actually lost quite a bit of weight since you've been on here? Was it added from before, or...? Not sure anymore if you're impatient with your rate of loss (which is actually quite a bit in just a couple of months) or if I'm missing something.
  • Danny0950
    Danny0950 Posts: 26 Member
    Why don't you try eating a lot of unhealthy foods without exercising. Maybe that would work for you?

    You've lost 17ibs in 2 months. It isn't a sprint.
  • Sunny____
    Sunny____ Posts: 214
    I've always been told that you need to eat right (ie, no junk) and exercise to lose weight and be healthy.

    But the more I read about it, the more I realize it just really doesn't seem accurate. It's no wonder it's so hard to diet for some people. You take the right steps, cut all junk, start to exercise... and you still don't lose weight. 'Oh you don't eat enough calories' (I'm not hungry!). 'Oh you might be underestimating what you're eating' (possible but that's why I don't eat my exercise back and I try and stay 100 under my goal).

    Sorta depressing.
    The science is that the foods you eat are the RIGHT FOODS aka micronutrients. A salad is your main meal. Your fat comes from nuts or an avocado - healthy fats. Maybe some olive or coconut oil. Lift weights, do 20 min HIIT, and sleep enough. Drink water. That is about it.
  • Better4Summer
    You joined 2 months ago - it's possible that it's just taking your body some time to catch up to its newer, healthier self. Weight loss isn't quick and it isn't linear. I've gone a month now without a single pound, a single inch falling off. But time and patience is key here.

    Agree with this..

    Sometimes the scales do lie :)

    Go by your clothes... Muscle weighs more remember but that don't mean you do :)
  • gymtanlaugh
    I am about to blow your mind, I lost 40 pounds once eating 1200 calories everyday of nothing but junk food (summer) yes I gained it back but that was after 3 years. You WILL inevitably lose weight if you eat 1200 calories, basic science, you take something in and you burn it, it doesn't matter if it's healthy or not. The difference is that you will be extremely un healthy, but skinny.
  • Venessaa91
    i've been hitting gym for nearly two weeks now and i've been very strict about my diet. But there's no changes on the weighing scale so far. Anyhow, overall I do feel more energetic and less lethargic as i used to be, and i'll continue working out as it's fun! :) I guess you have to enjoy the process more and eventually you'll lose weight :D fingers crossed! Good luck!
  • Meerataila
    Meerataila Posts: 1,885 Member
    There are a few reasons why you aren't able to lose the weight:
    1. You have a food intolerence or other medical condition that is preventing you from losing (such as pcos or hypothyroidism).

    2. You aren't exercising vigorously enough. Unless you spend some time really working it (intervals of 30-60 seconds going as hard as you can) the rest of the time spent walking on the treadmill is going to do nada.

    3. You may not be aware of what "Junk Food" actually is. Subway is NOT healthy. Neither are most foods that come out of a package (cereal, bread, pasta, or anything pre-made) or a can or a jar or a drive-up window. If you can't hunt it, farm it or gather it yourself, you should probably not eat it. This takes some time to learn how to do, and if you can get yourself to eat 80% natural food, you should be well on your way to a healthy diet.

    4. Portion control. Weigh and measure every morsel that goes into your mouth. This is the only way to know for sure if you are getting your macros correct. A tablespoon serving of peanut butter is a dollop about the size of your thumbnail. A teaspoon of sugar is what is in a single packet at restaurants. Serving sizes are small, ridiculously so. A typical dinner at the Olive Garden contains enough calories to sustain me for 2.5 days. At maintenance. (Maintenance for me is 1800-1900 kcal)

    Your body doesn't care one whit whether the calorie you just consumed is considered "healthy." The term healthy and unhealthy has no meaning when it comes to weight loss.

    Weight loss comes from calorie differential and nothing else. There is no one on earth who is running a proper calorie differential but failing to lose weight because the foods they eat are from Subway instead of the local coop.

    Your body most certainly does care. Unless the RDA is a total hoax perpetrated on us by the government. Not to mention what eating, for example, 1200 calories of Little Debbie cakes would do to one's mental state and energy levels.

    That doesn't mean you won't lose weight. You will lose on a deficit of junkfood just as you will on a deficit of healthy food. But it won't be healthy.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    yay, zombie thread...
  • SummerGenevieve
    That's what I thought when I first started losing weight but as the months have gone on, I adopted a different healthy eating and exercise regime to suit me, not what everyone else was telling me to do, and slowly but surely I have lost weight and kept it off. I do 1 hour of cardio 3 times a week and 1 hour of toning and weights 2 times a week combined with a daily diet of 1,500 calories a day (low fat and low sugar diet) to lose 1 stone in 2 months. Fair enough it takes a little longer but the results are worth it!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    I don't get it, you've lost lots in two months, where's the hoax in that?
  • LifeWithPie
    LifeWithPie Posts: 552 Member
    The hoax is having this thread resurrected after a year and a half.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't get it, you've lost lots in two months, where's the hoax in that?

    She's lost way more now! This is from 2013.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    i've been hitting gym for nearly two weeks now and i've been very strict about my diet. But there's no changes on the weighing scale so far. Anyhow, overall I do feel more energetic and less lethargic as i used to be, and i'll continue working out as it's fun! :) I guess you have to enjoy the process more and eventually you'll lose weight :D fingers crossed! Good luck!

    hmmm so this was the bump a year old thread.