calories vs carbs

mommamills Posts: 437
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss I finished logging in my calories and such for the day; I'm under on calories and fat but over on carbs and protein. Is this good or bad? On a normal basis, I'm under on everything but protein; I normally end up over. If you were going to be over in one of these categories....which should it be????


  • I was told by my doctor that it is better to go over on your protein than carbs.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    You really need more fat in your diet .. healthy fats like peanut butter, almonds, olive oil, avocado, whole eggs, fish .. for today I'd 2 tbs of peanut butter on celery or a handful of nuts.
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    no kidding.... well it's no wonder you're going over in carbs... it's practically all you're putting into your system. You should really make a concious effort to balance your meals a little better. What I mean is to include protein with each meal. You clearly dont need help in the carb department other than you need to stop just eating them alone. Pair your carbs with protein and fats. I always use this example because it's a perfect meal:

    1/2 cup cottage cheese
    1/4 cup of chopped walnuts....

    in this meal you get protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.... all of which your body needs to be healthy and burn body fat.

    Give it a try because from what I see you are headed down the wrong road with your eating.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    that's kind of more what I was asking. I look back on my post and it sounds pretty gooberish! I know that carbs aren't good and that protein is.....I just didn't know if the fact that I was under on calories and fat would make it ok to be over on carbs. Make more sense? Basically....I'm not real clear on what the good carbs that my body may need for fuel is. I eat lots of fruit throughout the day as my main snack and try to do a light dinner.
  • Heather1776
    Heather1776 Posts: 46 Member
    I tend to go over on carbs, but not with the calories. I also was wondering if it was bad to go over with carbs. I don't usually go over a lot, but on average 5-30. If most of those carbs are good carbs (fruits, whole grains, etc.) I'm assuming it's not that big of a deal. Right?
  • MattySparky
    MattySparky Posts: 771
    that's kind of more what I was asking. I look back on my post and it sounds pretty gooberish! I know that carbs aren't good and that protein is.....I just didn't know if the fact that I was under on calories and fat would make it ok to be over on carbs. Make more sense? Basically....I'm not real clear on what the good carbs that my body may need for fuel is. I eat lots of fruit throughout the day as my main snack and try to do a light dinner.


    Get this notion out of your head! You need Carbs, Fats and Protein as well as vitamins, minerals and water.

    Carbs are not bad, it's how we use them, when we eat them and what we eat them with that make all the difference. The atkins people have really made carbs look bad. Fact is, they are essential!! As far as "good" carbs go, choose carbs with the highest amount of dietary fiber. Those are the carbs that will be the best for your body. Otherwise, pairing carbs that are sugary such as fruit with foods that are fiberous wiil slow down the insulin reaction which will store the sugars as fat in your body (long story short).
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437

    in this meal you get protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.... all of which your body needs to be healthy and burn body fat.

    Give it a try because from what I see you are headed down the wrong road with your eating.

    Thanks for the advice! I really do appreciate it.....and not to sound completely clueless...even though I may be:ohwell: how do I know what's a "good fat"?
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