Which workouts do you do?



  • Dragon67
    Dragon67 Posts: 123 Member
    Leslie Sansome walking dvd's & 60 second promise if at home, circuit training), zumba(home and class, gym.... a mixture really
  • silverlotus
    silverlotus Posts: 22 Member
    I just started P90X a week ago. So far, I'm liking much better than anything I've tried, it's not boring (like the 30 day shred can get) and it's definitely challenging!
  • sierra_12
    sierra_12 Posts: 249 Member
    i just do my own thing at the gym most of the time, but sometimes ill mix it up with some DVDS like Hip Hop Abs (Shaun T is very easy on the eyes hehe) or TurboJam (: hope this helps!
  • sbussert
    sbussert Posts: 72 Member
    I've been working out at home - Treadmill, weights, cardio. But started to think it's time to start going to the gym that I have been a member for like 10 years. I have been Soo lazy.... but that is ending.
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    30 Day Shred for five days a week + I work doing barn chores at a boarding stable, nothing like hard manual labor for calorie burn! I am also about to add some kickboxing and start back running .
  • spatticus
    spatticus Posts: 230 Member
    Turbofire : )
  • wilki089
    wilki089 Posts: 38 Member
    I teach Zumba 2-3 x week. Walk/jog with the hubby and dog. Starting insanity at the end of the week. Anyone wanting to do it at the same time? I could always use the support and am willing to give support as well.
  • tabathar
    tabathar Posts: 5 Member
    in the past years I was a workout DVD collector. I would do them once or twice and I was done but now I am putting them all to work. I have a couple of Richard Simmon's Party off the Pounds, and sweatin to the 80's (love them Both!) , 30 day shred, banish fat boost metabolism, Jillian's Yoga Meltdown, Biggest Loser Cardio Max, Prevention's Walk Yourself fit, Rodney Yee's Yoga for Beginners, A.M. P.M. Yoga and Yoga Burn. I also have but don't use Taebo Celebrity Fit It hurt my ankles last time I tried it but I may give it a go again.
  • meidie1980
    meidie1980 Posts: 267 Member
    I absolutly hate the gym :) I do wii zumba, i walk and just started weight lifting.

    I just started exercising beginning of februari, my knees are sore everytime :( i wanna start running c25k but scared
    my knees won't survive (i just made it to -30 kg this week and got a shockabsorber bra and yurbuts from my
    hubbie and dying to use them!)
  • funhouse77
    funhouse77 Posts: 179 Member
    Besides going to the gym approx 4 days a week, where I do a mixture of cardio and weights, I do Spin Class, Kettlebell Class, Pilates, 30 day shred and a couple of other Jillian Michaels DVD's, plus I swim, cycle, walk, run......it's good to mix things up from week to week :smile:

    Hoping to start P90X soon, and then New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    But make sure what you do is something you enjoy.
  • stmcfred
    stmcfred Posts: 78 Member
    I run almost everyday sometimes twice a day (at least 25 miles a week) I do Insanity 6 days a week and Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed and Shred 3-4 times a week. Then I have a board on Pinterest with some zumba videos that I do (8 video's total and I do each video 2-3 times all in the same workout gives me about a 60-80 minute workout) I do those at least once a week.

    I have P90x coming on Tuesday so I'll be adding that in the mix as well. :)

    I work at home so I usually just wear my workout clothes and do random workouts throughout the day. I go thru a lot of laundry lol.
  • tarriharris5
    tarriharris5 Posts: 74 Member
    P90x I just don't like how long it takes sometimes. But it is good really like cardio days. The yoga I am thinking about replacing with JM yoga meltdown.
  • joe2626
    joe2626 Posts: 123 Member
    I used to go to the gym for mixture of resistance machine work and cardio (treadmill & bike). Currently doing Insanity but over a period of about 80 days due to a holiday in the middle (currently on day 24). When that's over i'll start Stronglifts: 5x5 combined with HIIT treadmill running. After THAT, i'll ditch the running for 90 days while I complete RevAbs!
  • wilki089
    wilki089 Posts: 38 Member
    P90x I just don't like how long it takes sometimes. But it is good really like cardio days. The yoga I am thinking about replacing with JM yoga meltdown.

    I tried P90X. It was a good work out but I was bored out of my mind and the instructor kind of got on my nerves! We have a P90X class at the Y that I go to. It's much better than the videos.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I finished insanity a few weeks ago and now I am back at the gm lifting weights and doing cardio.
  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    After not exercising for a decade, I plan on using equipment at home until I feel confident enough to join a gym again. I have a rowing machine, the ab glider and some free weights. I also have a yoga DVD.

    Does anyone use a rebounder (mini trampoline)? I plan on buying a Bellicon. Rebounders are good for the lymphatic system, which will help with some health issues I've been having. They are also supposed to be an excellent aerobic workout that is gentle on the joints while working all muscles groups.

    Once I'm truly back in shape I want to get back to rollerblading. Weight lifting and rollerblading used to be my passions. I'm really confused as to why I ever stopped :huh:
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    Swim, bike, run, and soccer.
  • mokotutza
    mokotutza Posts: 20
    I mainly walk and do elliptical.
  • mokotutza
    mokotutza Posts: 20
    leslie sansone walking dvd's .......tomorrow I will be starting hip hop abs and rockin body......I also use my total gym

    I've just ordered a walking at home DVD and I'm looking forward to begin,what's it like?isn't it a little strange walking around in the house?did you get results?thanks
  • SportyChick07
    SportyChick07 Posts: 675 Member