I need some help please

I need some help please. I don't think I'm doing things correctly and am confused by all the acronyms floating around...BMR BMI TDEE etc. I'm not trying to ***** that I haven't lost anything. I just wanna go about it all the right way. I am getting different answers from different websites and don't know what's accurate.

First off, here are my stats.
30yrs. old, female, 5'3", 164 lbs aiming for 130-135lbs., sedentary. because I am a student I am mainly either sitting or lying down all the time. In the past weeks I have been trying to be active for 30-45 minutes several times a week, but for the most part I am a log.

When I put that information into MFP it has me at 1290 calories a day. I have not had a problem meeting this. I wake up later than most, but I also get to bed later so although I'm trying not to eat past 9-10pm I'm finding that I'm hungry cause I don't sleep till 1-3am. I thought it was just me being weak but perhaps I am in starvation mode?

A different website said that my BMR is 1523 and I should be eating 1828 calories a day.
From what I understand BMR is what you would need if you were in a coma. Well, I'm pretty sure I'm not, so the 1290 MFP has me on should be too low. also, i should've lost weight, but that's not my point here.

Also, my BMI is 29, which is one point away from obese. How come I see so many people talking about how BMI is inaccurate and does not matter?

and I don't even know what the hell a TDEE is, let alone all the posts about adding %s to it.

Can somebody please help me figure out where I need to be at?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    First of all your body doesn't care if you eat after 9. It doesn't have a clock that says everything after 9 turns instantly to fat. With the hours you maintain no wonder you are starving at night - keep fueling your body during your waking hours. If you decided you didn't want to fill your car with gas past the 15th of the month would you wonder why it didn't run on the 30th?

    Try the 1828 for a couple months and see how it goes. There are so many stories on here of people that had success by eating more. Check out the In Place of a Roadmap group and all the threads on it.