girls: question about that TOM...

karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
edited January 16 in Motivation and Support
Do you find it hard to stay on track? I don't really get craving bug I don't feel like working out. I'm all boosted and feel like I haven't actually lost anything :c what do you do to force yourself to get up and workout? I might go swim if I can find my suit but that's hardly a workout (I sorta just float aroun)


  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    haha yeah it's especially hard for me to get up and go because i'm just worried about something showing through. i guess i don't really know how i do it, except i know that i don't want to have to put myself back a whole week or get DOMS after taking an unplanned week off. you might try yoga during this time...just one that doesn't necessarily involve a lot of twisting/legs over head-ing
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    I used to sit around wallowing in my own self-pity with a hot water bottle and wolfing down chocolate and ice cream but after some home remedies;
    carrot juice, aloe vera juice and evening primrose oil capsules (1 a day) as well as light exercise they pass me by and dont
    affect me or my routine at all - plus no more mindless chocolate eating! :)
    Hope you can take some help from that
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    I have a tendancy of just eating whatever I want. The only time when I do indulge.
    But nothing beats the bloating & blahhh feeeling like exercise, especially jogging and ab work.
    This is when Tampons become your best friend.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I tell myself I can pass out AFTER I work out and then I do. :yawn: Sometimes I eat a bit more during TOM but it's usually protein not junk.
  • slaunderville
    slaunderville Posts: 49 Member
    I find that I feel a lot better after working out during that time. I just keep telling myself OK I'll do something for 5-10 minutes and usually by 10 minutes in I feel so much better and then keep going. Keep up the great work!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Think of it this way, you have TOM for around the time you are 13-15 until you are 45 it is a helluva long time to worry once a month about exercise/eating it could take up a few years of your life if you put it all back to back!

    Take control, you got control up to now right? Work through it, you don`t let `friends/co workers` get you down with stuff?

    I think we as girls/women/ladies need to get a better control of the whole TOM thing and stop letting it take control!

    Rant over :laugh:
  • karmahunger
    karmahunger Posts: 373 Member
    Well I feel awful from both the obvious and the hangover (oops) and it's taken me a while but I'm working out!!!
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Oi, the double-whammy that is PMS and hangover. Luckily medications for one work for the other - I take Midol for hangovers, it kills headache *and* bloat. I also find that once you've done that and drank a TON of water, a workout is exactly what you need. You'll feel better if you sweat it out!
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I also take the midol and do the ton of water as well. also castor oil but you don't drink it. you take a wash rag and dab some on it then take and wrap it around your crampy area and put saran wrap over it wear your outfit as normal and use a heating pad twice a day 1 hour each. it sounds strange but it helps me a lot on the cramping
  • mgallop1
    mgallop1 Posts: 7
    So annoying, I always end up on a chocolate binge right before I start. Also - I like to swim but I feel paranoid about using a tampon in the pool so usually skip those sessions for a week every month ):

    Working out does help with bad cramps - but they have to be medicated away to the point where I can actually move first lol!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Do you find it hard to stay on track? I don't really get craving bug I don't feel like working out. I'm all boosted and feel like I haven't actually lost anything :c what do you do to force yourself to get up and workout? I might go swim if I can find my suit but that's hardly a workout (I sorta just float aroun)

    I let myself go to TDEE if I need to on those "hungry" days. It doesn't seem to hurt my progress to do that one or two days a month.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I definitely feel more 'anxious' to eat back my exercise calories during my TOM!! ;) I have been staying on track, but to be honest I think that getting off bread/most starchy stuff ahead of time has put me on more of an even keel. I also eat a lot of cinnamon.
    One thing I did was wait for my first weigh-in until mid-cycle. As I'm pre-TOM now, I'm just not going to weigh myself this weekend. I figure why do that to myself?
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