5:2 diet??

Has anyone tried the 5:2 diet ..

Its where you have around 1500-2000 calories 5 days per week and fast to around 500-600 calories for 2 days it can be any two days of the week, I'm considering trying it but I am worried it won't work for me! Anyone ever tried it that can let me know if it worked for them!

All help is much appreciated I have majorly fell off the dieting bandwagon after a week away abroad!


  • kiangel
    kiangel Posts: 246 Member
    Hi I ave been following 5:2 for the last two weeks , lost 4lbs and feel great :) lots more energy than usual .

    There are a couple of 5:2 groups check them out full of info .
  • kathrynbrodie90
    Thanks, I just need to find something that is going to work for me <3
  • last_time11

    I've just stated it, but altering it slightly.

    I tried sticking to 500 calories on the low days and found it too hard, managed 650, so I'm doing that 3 days a week, and trying to stay as close as possible to 1200 on the up days.

    I've read so much good stuff about it
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member

    I've just stated it, but altering it slightly.

    I tried sticking to 500 calories on the low days and found it too hard, managed 650, so I'm doing that 3 days a week, and trying to stay as close as possible to 1200 on the up days.

    I've read so much good stuff about it

    I think you should read more about it. I'm sure the diet doesn't promote starvation.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    The only way you will know if it works for you is to try it! If you use the search box you'll find lots of discussion on this.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You realize the only reason this would work is because you're under eating. Just figure out what you need to eat each day and stick to it. There is no science to "fasting" (which you aren't if you're eating 500 calories) 2 days and then eating normally the other 5 days.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Actually there is some science behind it. It makes your body repair its existing cells rather than constantly growing new ones. It was developed as a " live longer" approach, and has many health benefits- weight loss is a by product of the approach, but is the aspect most people have seized on.
  • hallieabo
    Would the 500 calorie days be back to back or does it not matter
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Not necessarily. They can be if that's what suits you, but most people find it easier to have a few "normal" days in between.

    I tend to do either Mon and Thurs, or Tues and Thurs, but will swap around if that clashes with something like a work conference.
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    I did 500/1200 for a month.

    1200 is too low.

    Now I do 500 (which is more like 700) 3 days
    And 1500 3 days
    And up to 2500 Sunday.

    I combine it with exercise and so far feel good. I will eventually up the calories on off days to over 2000 and just do 2 days a week.

    This is more a way of life than a diet. It is supposed to promote health and long life. The weight loss is secondary to that.