Weightloss Plateau

Please help, I've recently been told by the doctor that I have high cholesterol (hereditary heart disease) and he said that I need o reduce my weight so I've quit smoking (only used to smoke about 5 per week with booze) and started on a diet regime BUT I'VE hit a weightloss plateau... My details are as follows:

Age: 30
Sex: Female
Height: 5ft 6inches
Diet started: Jan 2013
Start weight: 68.8kgs (10st 12lbs)
Current weight: 64.2 (10st 2lbs)
Daily calories: 1200

I've been stuck at the same weight for the last few weeks and I don't know what to do.... I've been eating little and often and I don't have a big appetite so some days I struggle to reach the 1200 goal but I'm always within 50 calories (except 2dinners where I celebrated my 30th and a new job) I also exercise at least 4 days a week where I run on treadmill, weights, floor work and swimming. But I don't seem to be loosing anything more... In feb cut alcohol out (which is big as I used to drink at least a glass of red wine per night) and I've been religous on about putting every single morsel that passes my lis on the app.

I know people say that you should eat more calories but I'm already struggling to eat the amount I'm already allocated...

If anyone has any suggestions / tips / been through something similar please help!!! I'm starting to feel really demotivated but I really need to keep pushing through to make myself healthy!!


  • vzryder
    vzryder Posts: 129 Member
    Hi, please forgive me, not wanting to offend..............but if you have excess weight you wish to lose, there is only one way you get overweight, and that is by not having the energy vs energy out = weight, correct.
    Therefore if you feel you have put on weight , you must have been overeating?
    So when someone says ''I can't eat that much'', I have to wonder?

    My personal experience, if you are still reading and I have not offended you?

    I have lost 13kg so far, over 6 months, and plateaued for at least 4 x weeks, then gained last week!
    This is despite my doing and logging and exercising, all correctly!
    I was advised to do my TDEE and BMR to see that I was actually UNDER eating and gone onto starvation mode.
    Sure enough INCREASED my calories and viola, had a weight loss last week, coincidence?
    methinks not!
    Good luck
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    you have lost a substantial amount of weight in the past two months. I would consider that anything but a plateau... you were barely overweight to begin with.