New & improved ...?

I am new to this forum, and started my diet on Monday! I have generally just put on the pounds gradually in the last 9 months and I am really getting grumpy and sad about the way I look. Time to do something about it - so I am doing the slim fast diet and daily exercise in the hope that I will see some quick results to keep me motivated!! I am trying very hard not to get on the scales until next Monday so I don't give myself a false hope or worse, kid myself I can cheat a little!!!
I am really hoping my motivation levels stay this high - I have a holiday on 1st June that I would like to look really nice for, the pictures are always the thing that make me wish, after the holiday, that I had made some effort to get in to shape beforehand!!!
Anyway I have loved reading some of the forum posts and look forward to being part of this!
Happy Healthy Me coming my way soon! :flowerforyou:


  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    welcome.I did the slimfast, the only thing about that is ,when you are off the program. You gain the weight back,Really there is no magic potion for losing weight,Just execise and more execise,watch what you eat.Good Luck!!!
  • sundine2
    sundine2 Posts: 5
    I started doing a weight loss program about 5 weeks ago. I bought a book by Joy Bauer who is a registered dietician. Her book is called "your inner skinny". What I like about it was it has your menu's planned out. Breakfast, lunch dinner and a snack. The nice thing is you can inner change them ( ie a different breakfast for another breakfast etc. ) The hardest part for me is giving up salt and limiting my artificial sweetners. I tried one breakfast with oatmeal but about gagged since I couldn't use sweet and low or anything ( at least for the first week). You have a list of foods to limit and a limitless list.
    For me I have had a hard time losing weight since I finished menopause 7 years ago. Since doing her book I have lost 13 pounds so far. Now don't get me wrong ...I do cheat with Easter ...who can avoid Reese's peanut butter cups? or the malted milk eggs...but I tried to limit it and not go overboard. I find i get full quicker now too. I use sweet and low once a day if I am having tea and don't salt things which is REALLY big for me since I salted even my
    So instead of drinking your meals I highly recommend Joy Bauers book....your inner skinny. She is on one of the morning shows and has a thing called "the Joy luck club" where people who have lost over a 100 pounds come on the show and tell what they did to lose it. Try it...the book is not expensive at all. I got it through amazon. Good Luck
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Good luck to you. I would suggest following the calorie guidelines here even if you're using slimfast. This site has worked for me like nothing else has. I had never eaten my exercise calories before coming here but it has been really effective for me.
  • mrsyatesy
    mrsyatesy Posts: 173
    Thanks - I am using the caolorie guidelines on here (and loving it - I ahve an iphone so I just log in everything I eat as I go along - it's great!) and I use the slim fast meals for breakfast and lunch (so much easier for me because I don't need to plan anything for my work day).
    Should I be eating the calories I exercise off? Really? I thought that was just a bonus - oh happy days!!
  • sunnysashka
    sunnysashka Posts: 296
    Good luck!
    The only thing is - in my opinion diets are not the solution because as soon as you are off the diet, you gain back. Try to adopt new habits of eating healthier. Watch the portions, make better choices. It is much healthier to lose slowly.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Seriously, I was eating a straight 1200 cals a day before but when I came here I started eating the exercise cals and it worked. I'm now eating nearly 1600 cals a day and still losing.