Macro's and Exercise help!

Hey all! I am vinnie, 18, 6 foot 3, and last monday I weighed in at 336 pounds. Well it was my first week of counting macros, and I am weighing in tommorow! I was just curious on your guy's opinions on if I am eating too much? I weighed myself daily this whole week, only tracking tommorow's, but I noticed I was sitting at the same for two day's. Had lots of sodium, though. Well, my macro's for this past week were 275 carbs, 55 fats, and 150 protein. I hit them pretty well, someday's short, some long. Doing weight training 6 day's out of the week. I am going to change them to 236 carbs, 47 fats, 184 protein, for 2100 calories. I am not doing cardio, so idk if this is too much or what do you think? Thanks! I am taking it slow, by the way. Few pounds a week, that way when I plateau I can just add cardio to start dropping again. Thanks for any input you have!