Chewing Gum

I am addicted to gumballs. Yes... full sugar, chemical laden, brightly coloured Dubble Bubble gumballs:

Am I alone? I don't smoke, don't chew my nails, eat well overall... but know this s*** isn't good for my body.

But... so tasty!


  • Effulgence
    Effulgence Posts: 22 Member
    If that's your one downfall, I think you'll be okay. :P

    Honestly I usually end up chewing gum in order to stop myself from indulging in things that are much, much worse.
  • iggylove123
    iggylove123 Posts: 302
    I chew sugar free trident gum all the time! Maybe try to switch to that? Honestly if that's the worst thing, I'd still chew it if you HAVE to have it :)
  • TurquoiseSky
    TurquoiseSky Posts: 42 Member
    So many darn calories and it's puuure sugar and empty carbs! Weird how we can logically know something is so bad for us, yet still consume it.

    Alas, I'm cutting back a bit, but instead of forbidding it I'm trying to focus on making healthier choices throughout the day to compensate/balance the indulgence.