Skinny as a Child



  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    Was a size 4 thru my mid 30's...late 30's. Then at 40, stuff just started shifting. At 50, it was time to start doing something, though I doubt I'll ever be a 4 again! But yeah, I was a skinny kid and it drove my overweight sister nuts:-)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i was thin and athletic until i reached 30. then i sopped being an athlete and started working desk jobs but i kept eating like an athlete :laugh:

    plus i got a bit comfortable with the extra weight for various reasons.

    now i'm ready to get back to where i know i can be, i'm just relearning new eating habits
  • kimleroy
    kimleroy Posts: 50 Member
    Oh yes! I was very very tall for my age as a child and the rest of my body couldn't keep up, so I was very thin. I hit the height I am today, 5'7", when I was 13, and I was probably no more than 110 pounds going into high school. Once I was in high school, I became extremely active with swimming and track and I started lifting weights a lot. I gained so much muscle. I graduated in amazing shape at 140 pounds, still very lean, but muscular. I could eat absolutely anything I wanted because I was burning up to about 4000 calories a day during the intense parts of my competition seasons. When I got to college, I stopped working out but I kept my appetite. And thus, over three years of college I gained 35 pounds, which is exactly what I'm working off now! My goal is to get back down to 140 again.
  • I was always really skinny. Like 115lbs, 5' 8" at the end of grade 12 then I quit smoking, lived on my own and had my son. Now I am 230 and enough is enough. I would like to hit 150lbs maybe less. Feel free to add me.
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    yup i know what you mean! i was skinny up until my sophomore year of high school! back then i was actually trying to lose weight at 5'7.5" and 115 pounds! :noway: i got depressed for awhile and then ended up gaining a bunch of weight.
  • Infauna
    Infauna Posts: 89
    I was always a skinny child, it was only until I was in an abusive relationship when I was 14 that I gained weight. I was 5'6" and my weight hovered between 120-128lbs, I looked really healthy back then imo. When I got out of the relationship I weighed around 150lbs. Now I weigh 110lbs.
  • cinrn68
    cinrn68 Posts: 215 Member
    I was skinny as a child and I was "average" as a teenager (although I always thought I was "fat" -- I see pics of me in HS now and I can't believe I thought I was fat). I was an aerobics instructor in my early 20's. I used to bike to the gym (30 min.) in the morning before work, swim 100 laps (40 min.), work all day, bike home (30 min.) and then go teach at least 1 aerobics class, sometimes 2. Then I got married and it all fell apart. I started eating like crap and then all but stopped exercising. Over the years, my weight crept up from 145 lbs at my most fit to 220 lbs after 2 babies. So yes, I know what it's like to be in shape and on the slim side (I'm 5'10", so at 145, I look "good").

    I'm trying to get back to that, although now at 45 years old, it's certainly not as easy. But I WILL do it. It's my promise to myself. :)