Im neww

Hey. My name is Amanda. Im currently at 247 and Ive got a lot to lose. I need some motivation. So befriend me?


  • Melanie1967
    Melanie1967 Posts: 238 Member
    I have been heavy set all of my life! I was the girl in school always getting my bra snapped and boobs grabbed, because I was the only one in the class with one's that big yet. :0( I had my first child at 14 years old, gained 45lbs during pregnancy, ending at 220lbs. I have went down to 190lbs, married at 17, 3 more pregnancies with the last one being born in 1989. I have never been under 220lbs since then. The highest weight I have been at, 10/09, was 255lbs. When I started myfitnesspal on 3/18/10, I was 247lbs. Tomorrow will be 5 weeks, and I weighed in this morning at 232lbs. I have dropped 1 pants size, and this has been a HUGE inspiration to me. I have alot of health issues, one being I am now suffering from m second hernia in the past year, and it is very large. The doctor said I am wasting my money getting it repaired if I don't loose at least 50lbs first. Makes exercising difficult, as basically I can't bend much. Doing alot of walking instead. My goal weight is 150lbs, and I am hoping to do that in a year which would be a 97lb loss. About 2lbs a week should be doable. I have many reasons why, including my health, my 5 children plus the 3 more I inherited after remarrying in 1996, and my adorable 15 grandchildren. Yes, 15. I will be 43 in May. Please add me as a friend. Thanks, Melanie
  • Newfunlander
    Newfunlander Posts: 65 Member
    Welcome ! You can never have too many friends or too much support ! :flowerforyou: This is a great site with so much helpful information .