Gluten-free/Seed-free/Nut-free/Pescetarian diet tips?

Okay so I know how weird the title sounds... couldn't think of a better one though.

Since birth I've had a "mild" allergy to nuts and seeds. I've only been able to eat some brands of peanut butter (one or two tablespoons max), anything else and I'd be out the rest of the day with a horrible migraine and blotches on my face and neck that itched. At 18-19 I began to get an allergic reaction to red meat [being cooked], and gluten. I also am a huge animal activist, however because of the lack of food choices I have I don't think I could 100% cut out meat at all.. though it's RARELY eaten...

Could anyone give me some advice on foods to eat? I just started eating gluten free about two weeks ago and have been struggling with it. I eat a very large amount of fruits and vegetables (farmer's market and/or home grown) but I feel like ever since I started eating gluten-free I've been craving a lot of potassium lately. Would this be because of taking out gluten from my diet, or is that related to something else? Also, I would very much like to cut animal and animal products out entirely, but I won't unless I'm 100% confident it won't make me incredibly sick.

Thank you everyone for their time,
Silver Billings
SOS - Save Our Society