Few Money Savers Protein & Meat

Hi guys,

Just thought i'd share the following websites with you, don't know if anyones ever said anything before;

http://www.bodybuildingwarehouse.co.uk/bodybuilding-warehouse-performance-protein-5kg - Bodybuilding warehouse offer 5kg of flavoured protein for only £49.99 which is an amazing price! 2 scoops a day will last you just under 2 months (they do lesser sizes) but for the 5kg it's the best value for money i've found

http://www.musclefood.com/meat/meat-chicken/chicken-breast-fillets-bulk.html - Musclefoods offer chicken breasts 5kg for £25 which again is unreal value - all reviews positive and breasts look like big ones! Again they do other sizes and other meats including steaks!

Hope someone finds use of these!
