my new plan is to weigh only once a month.



  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    I am going to try that as well! Some people argue that weekly is best because it lets you know if what you are doing is working and then if you had a big gain or loss you can look back on the week and see how your food intake/exercise was. I get that but for me when I weigh weekly if I am not pulling big numbers (which I usually don't) I feel discouraged and like giving up. Weight loss should not be the biggest priority in my opinion! I like to measure myself and see how I am doing with losing inches, how my clothes fit, how healthy I look and feel, how my energy level is, etc. To me this isn't just about losing weight but feeling and looking healthy. When I get caught up in the number that is all I focus on and it makes me depressed. I do want to lose weight but I am more focused on the size I want to be and not the exact number on the scale.
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    I've been thinking about doing this. I've been weighing weekly and taking measurements monthly, but I have been sneaking on the scale mid-week and being disappointed. I can't trust myself to even bring it to work (classroom) because I'd just weigh-in there. So I think I'll give it to my trainer until it's time.