Getting rid of Flab & Extra Skin

luly727 Posts: 202 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Good Morning everyone; I know I just started (3weeks ago) down 8 lbs. I know its only the beginning, but i need to firm up as I go along. Most of my 'fat' is in my midsection ( really gross to me) My goal is to get to 130 lbs which is a 57 lb lose all together.

I am starting to walk every day now that the weather is good but I would like to know if anyone else has lost alot of weight what do u do about the flab and excess skin? I cant afford surgery once I reach my goal weight and although it would be nice to be able to get into a bikini and look all buff, I seriously doubt that I will look that way.

I live in a very small town so there is no gym or anything like that around here..any suggestions??



  • mzmoonlight
    mzmoonlight Posts: 160
    Plenty of hydration, moisturiser and exercise will give your skin the best chance. While 50lbs is a fair amount to lose, you shouldnt see too many problems with that amount of loss. I did start to notice the loose skin around 50 pounds down but its only really now starting to be a real problem at almost 80lb loss. And I have not been good at staying hydrated. Also, make sure you get plenty of good fats in your diet as this will look after your skin, nails and hair. In terms of exercise, walking, sit ups etc will be fine.
  • I do crunches and leg lifts between 2-3 sets of 30 every day. if you want to know how to do them, just friend request me and i will let you know. any questions just ask. i can feel the tightening and toning everyday.
  • aedfit
    aedfit Posts: 65 Member
    About ten years ago I lost just over 50 pounds. I went from 186- 135. I did not have much of an issue with loose skin at all. I was also doing some light weight lifting and cardio during the period of time that I was losing the weight. My major problem was, and still is, my arms. I was told that doing tricep dips and push ups will help. Congrats on your 8 lb loss so far. That's a great accomplishment!!!
  • Aurora22
    Aurora22 Posts: 66 Member
    i think a lot of saggy skin problems after losing weight are genetic. i noticed a bit of skin issues after losing 50 lbs (post partum) and took a break. I maintained my weight for about 6 months (while continuing rock-climbing) and now I am starting up again. i don't have any loose skin now. I think losing weight in stages allows your skin to catch up.
    I also base my diet on olive oil and take fish oil supplements to hydrate from within.
    you don't need a gym to do strength training- get a video or look on the internet for easy exercises.
    good luck!
  • dbenson48
    dbenson48 Posts: 43
    You will have to burn fat! You are going to need lots of weight training along with lots of walking! And drink plenty of water every day! You will firm up! But it is not going to happen over night! I'M WORKING ON ABOUT THE SAME AMOUNT OF WEIGHT AS YOU ARE, I HAVE 39 POUNDS TO GO ,I STARTED IN JANUARY I have lost 5 pounds and 8 inches! And I spend 5 days a week in the gym doing weight training and cardio! You have got to get your heart rate up in the fat burning zone! I have firmed up a lot! But the pounds do not come off as fast as you would like! And you have got to work extra hard to get in shape and loose weight! So get ready for a long journey and stick with it!
  • Chuck1223
    Chuck1223 Posts: 68 Member
    Water, Water, Water. Do body weight exercises; push-ups, sit-ups, etc., and you will be surprised what your body will do. :bigsmile:
  • xTattooedDollx
    xTattooedDollx Posts: 426 Member
    Check out the book Smart Girls Do Dumbells I found it so helpful when i wasn't able to go to the gym. It explains everything to you and gives you 30 days of great workouts!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    I suggest starting circuit training regimen and I would def recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It helps with toning all over and drink plenty of water!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    If you don't have a gym around, think about investing in some workout DVDs or a Wii and some exercise games. I only go to the gym twice a week, but at least 4 days a week I do EA Sports Active on my Wii for a good cardio and strength workout. I just ordered the second version of the game and I'm excited to see what improvements they've made to it. You can still definitely workout and tone your body without a gym. Just turn your living room into one :D
  • luly727
    luly727 Posts: 202 Member
    Thank you all for the advise :) I guess I am going to Walmart for some DVD's and will step up my afternoon walks :)
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