Done it before and I'll do it again!

Hi all MFPers,

I just wanted to put a post on here as a way of committing myself and to having some accountability to this weight loss business.

I've always found if I do it "on my own" I end up falling off the wagon. In 2011 I managed to get down from 210lbs to 193lbs and I felt great about it but a whole series of events starting from August 2011 right through to now has seen me gain that weight back plus a little more. I've injured my back several times, welcomed the birth of my daughter, lost my Grandfather and also my Father and then moved house all within 12 months.

I'm not making excuses just pointing out that there have been a whole load of things more pressing than me going to the gym etc and the weight has slowly crept up on me and caught me out.

Either way - the final straw was a flippant comment from a work colleague the other day in regards to my weight gain I've finally got that hard work ethos back and I'd like to think I'm back on it.

If anyone has been through similar and want to add me to help with moral support etc please feel free. Alot of my friends on here have come and gone while I've been away and my friends list (apart from a loyal few) has dwindled down.

Hope to see you all about the place soon :)
