Compensation Eating...

I had a baby 2 months ago via c-section and started to lose the weight right away while I was on maternity leave and was breast feeding full time. After only 5 weeks I had to come back to work. I pump at work but noticed right away that my weight loss stopped. After 2 more weeks I started back to the gym to try to help but after only one week, my knee that I have major issues with gave way once again and now I am layed up from any kind of cardio for a while. I find myself slipping back into very bad eating habits again which in turn cause me to start gaining weight. I feel like I am over eating to compensate for not being able to do the things I want to right now including running around and playing with my older child. I am really having a struggle finding some balance and telling myself to do what I know is right. Then the guilt sets in and I want to eat more. Does anyone else have this issue and how did you overcome it?


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,979 Member
    I had the knee surgery. Sometimes it's the only thing that works. I spent way too much time on the bench and wish I'd done it sooner.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I have had the knee checked recently and was told I need surgery to repair the meniscus and other ligaments in order to prevent any further dislocations. Normally I would just schedule it and get it done but there are many facotrs preventing this right now starting with the fact that I would be on crutches for a month. I cannot take care of a newborn and 2 yr old on crutches for sure. Also after just coming back from maternity leave, I don't have enough leave to be able to do it and I cannot afford leave without pay especially with the new issues at work (furloughs, thank you politicians).
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 33,979 Member
    Ah. Then you're going to have to keep yourself busy....pick up a hobby, do some upper body resistance work, core exercises, etc. I know it's not the cardio you are wanting, but sounds like you're going to be laid up to some degree anyway. It's not going to heal itself.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    YOu are right about that. I guess at this point anything will help. I need something to get me back into positive mode. The crappy cold weather we have had doesn't help things at all but it's supposed to be warming up so maybe before to much longer I can at least get the stroller out and go for some short walks.
  • RobertHendrix
    RobertHendrix Posts: 98 Member
    Does your gym have an indoor pool? This is a great way to get a good cardio workout without putting any extra stress on your knee, also be a good way to help entertain the 2 year old while still getting a workout. Also if no pool at the gym but you can still find time to go check and see if your gym has one of the stationary bikes that has the handles that move with the pedals or maybe an arm pedal machine. I know my gym has the bikes with a big fan and it turns either by pedaling or moving the arms back and forth and has pegs you can put your feet on to just be able to do it with your arms, wont get the same burn as using the pedals but it is something and might be just what you need to keep your mind from thinking about the food.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Just because you have to stay off your knee does not mean that you have to stop exercising. Work on bodyweight stuff and get yourself stronger. Pull it together mama. Have a frustrated day and then pull it up and walk on! (figuratively)