Hate Working Out - What Got You Started?

Hi there!

I've been on and off MFP for the past year & finally got a smart phone to make using this sooooo much easier

Anyways, I've got the diet part down 100%, but i've always hated working out. I cannot ever seem to get myself up and out to do the exercise portion of all of this. I always seem to find excuses that I just end up using to justify not working out but that seriously needs to stop -- im getting so annoyed at myself because of it...but I think I've come up with a plan I think i can stick to..

I found a cute little park on my way home from work that is also really close to my house -- so that rules out the "Dont wanna stop anywhere on my way home" that I always used as an excuse. This is also just a 2 mile trail with hills that I would love to eventually be able to jog/run the whole thing. I can barely jog for a half mile at this point, but HEY up and down hills will make the weight come off faster than if it was all level ground.

I also have the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred I'd like to complete but I keep finding myself doing it for a day or two then get bored with it and never pick it back up again. I should probably just do level 1 on one day, then level 2 or something, but I've never been up to level 2. I just keep getting bored with level 1...any suggestion for those who've tried?

Anyways, that's kind what I've been thinking lately about trying to get myself off of this pathetic excuse for everything mindset & just get out and do this! I have been so unhappy with my body for so long -- im ready to change this!!!

Im open to any other suggestions ya'll might have for helping out, or just let me know how you got out of your 'hating workout' slump when you first got started.

thanks in advance!!! :flowerforyou:


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Exercise isn't required using MFP...your weight loss deficit is built into your diet. That said, exercise is a good thing for your overall health and well being...but you don't have to go crazy doing a bunch of stuff you do not enjoy. Too many people do these 30 day shreds or 90 day this or that and have no idea how to eat properly to fuel that workout and really gain the benefits...they're just doing it for calorie burn (even though they already have a deficit in their diet) and that isn't necessary.

    Exercise for fitness, heart health, and strength and do something you enjoy. If you enjoy walks then go on walks...if you enjoy riding your bike then ride your bike, etc, etc, etc...do what you enjoy doing. I would recommend putting some resistance training in there though...too many people ignore the need to incorporate resistance training in their workout routine and overkill on cardio. Set fitness goals that are independent of weight loss goals and you will enjoy your exercises much more.
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    Exercise isn't required using MFP...your weight loss deficit is built into your diet. That said, exercise is a good thing for your overall health and well being...but you don't have to go crazy doing a bunch of stuff you do not enjoy. Too many people do these 30 day shreds or 90 day this or that and have no idea how to eat properly to fuel that workout and really gain the benefits...they're just doing it for calorie burn (even though they already have a deficit in their diet) and that isn't necessary.

    Exercise for fitness, heart health, and strength and do something you enjoy. If you enjoy walks then go on walks...if you enjoy riding your bike then ride your bike, etc, etc, etc...do what you enjoy doing. I would recommend putting some resistance training in there though...too many people ignore the need to incorporate resistance training in their workout routine and overkill on cardio. Set fitness goals that are independent of weight loss goals and you will enjoy your exercises much more.

    thanks for the reply!

    And yes, I know I get a deficit from just dieting but I definitely want to speed things up and incorporate working out into my routine to help lose weight faster & to also be healthier in general like you said.

    You did bring up a great point though, to do what I enjoy -- i need to start thinking of it as less a workout and more like a hike or something so maybe I won't fall back into the 'getting bored/fighting myself' routine of quitting after I only begin. I def need to make sure I do it everyday, but just think of it in a different way so it doesn't seem so ....off-putting lol. Thanks again!
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    I had the same problem. I had to find something I enjoyed doing in order to get started. I found that I love doing the Zumba workouts on my tv at home. I love music and dancing so it was perfect. I tried the 30DS and only did one day. It just isn't for me yet. Have to build up endurance for stuff like that. Once I saw the pounds coming off from doing zumba I was so excited and motivated to try other forms of exercise. So now I integrate zumba, the biggest loser workouts, and strength exercise into my week. One day zumba, the next day crunches, jumping jacks etc, the next day biggest loser, then a rest day. Then I start all over again.. If I don't feel like doing the regular workout... I head right back to zumba or some other dancing... That way I know I will get a little something done and I'm not hating it.
  • Queen_JessieA
    Queen_JessieA Posts: 1,059 Member
    Just making myself go. Trust me, it isn't my most favorite thing to do (that would be napping!!). Honestly, my 13 year old daughter really helped get me moving. She wanted to go to the gym ALL.THE.TIME. Still does.

    I agree with finding something you enjoy, too. Unfortunately, I can't run anymore (and I really did enjoy that...but I had a bad tumble doing it and had two surgeries to correct what I hurt) and my knee is giving me fits now...so I usually do a lot of the elliptical. I am trying to add little bouts of the stair climber in, as well, just for variety. And I hope to soon start up with yoga and a strength training class.
  • famousmel
    famousmel Posts: 149 Member
    There are 3 things that did it for me.
    1. I didn't want to do things w/ my 3 yr old b/c I was afraid he would run off and I couldn't keep up. PATHETIC!!
    2. I don't have a conversation w/ myself in the morning anymore. When my alarm goes off, all I say is "up and socks/shoes on and to the gym" Can't talk myself out of something if there's no internal dialogue.
    3. I remember I never leave the gym and think to myself "I wish I hadn't done that" I feel like I'm rewarding myself working out as opposed to it being a punishment.

    That said, I was always an athlete and liked sports, but not working out, so my mindset I must change!
    Best of luck to ya.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Find something you like, if you don't like it you won't stick to it.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    walking those hills counts as a workout. if you can't face a run try a walk, because a walk is a lot better than doing nothing. walking works for a lot of people.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Pilates. It's quiet, low impact, and I can do it in my living room. I do POP Pilates found on Youtube (free!) and use her beginner's workout. From there, about a week later, I was able to propel myself onto the treadmill. Though I still like Pilates waaaaay more.
  • AQ3107
    AQ3107 Posts: 81 Member
    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle

    Keep it simple
    Habit change is not that complicated. While the tips below will seem overwhelming, there’s really only a few things you need to know. Everything else is just helping these to become reality.

    The simple steps of habit change:

    1. Write down your plan.

    2. Identify your triggers and replacement habits.

    3. Focus on doing the replacement habits every single time the triggers happen, for about 30 days.

    That's it.

    “First we make our habits, then our habits make us.” - Charles C. Noble
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    i have a punchbag hanging in my bedroom. when i feel frustrated i get myself a great cardio/upper body work out!
  • JennKie1
    JennKie1 Posts: 200 Member
    You really just need to experiment and find something you enjoy doing. It doesn't necessarily need to be structured like a DVD. You could swim, run, bike, walk, play tennis, volleyball, rollerblade, dance, etc.... It's just a matter of finding what works for you. I personally don't like the Jillian Michaels workouts (although I own 3) because they are really, really boring. I don't see how they expect anyone to enjoy doing the same thing every single day. I do like the flexibility of having the DVDs that I can just pop in when it's convenient. I have a workout program I purchased that has 12 different workouts. It's really challenging and it's something different every day. I really like the instructor / trainer too - he's motivating but not annoying. I was surprised that I really enjoyed exercising and I miss it when I've not done it for a few days.

    If you have several DVDs, you could always just rotate different workouts during the week. But, if you don't like what you're doing, then it's difficult to stay committed.

    What really motivates me to actually get off my butt is my "before" pictures. I look at my progress and remember that I don't want to be "that person" anymore.
  • Emma_Problema
    Emma_Problema Posts: 422 Member

    I swear that after I signed up for the Spartan Race I have been 10x more diligent about going to the gym. It really helps to have a fitness goal that you're working to achieve. Even if it's a simple 5k or a walk, it's really great motivation to get moving. I know that if I don't work out regularly, I won't be in good enough shape to do well at the race. I also am going with friends and paid a good chunk of money to sign up. There's no way in hell I'm missing it because I didn't work out enough.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Initially it was really hard for me cuz I love cooking and eating good food high calorie or not, I had to find a workout video that was easy for me to do that burned enough calories...if they were too hard to follow wasn't that interested in them. I started out doing the Tae Bo ones and the Ab Bootcamp one and got to really like it cuz I could feel I had a really good workout but the steps were clearly explained and easy to do. Then when I started seeing the weight coming off then I added the Billy Blanks Jr Dance Party Bootcamp and once I got used to that I thought this one is really fun and my younger daughter liked doing that one with me so kept doing that one. Then added Kettlenetics cuz I realized I am losing inches and losing weight but my arms need alot of toning, I had done alot of lifting in my former job and haven't done that for awhile and I stomach had some skin that just wasn't firming up from having kids and what not. And the kettlebells is starting to help alot with that. And I am gonna try Sweatin in the Spirit with Donna Richardson Joyner cuz it has her and Kirk Franklin and great music in that one I think I would love doing that just cuz I really love all the music. And I have a stair stepper machine cuz that is easy to do on busier days when I just have a few minutes here and there. I keep it in the laundry room so I can do that when I wait for my clothes to get done. And I just got a 18lb kettlebell also for more strength training and to help more with my stomach cuz so far it seems like the kettlebells are helping with that more than anything else I have tried. I wanna get to where I can do a 30-50 minute cardio workout and 15-20 minutes of 18lb kettlebells most days and then on days I do the kettlenetics workout instead of the heavier kettlebell I wanna get to where I do like 15-20 on the stair stepper with that those days instead of the other workouts on days I do that one. Those are my fav workouts though that I have found are not too hard to pick up and that still get your cardio up and burn calories pretty fast.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Watching the biggest loser...
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 924 Member
    I say, just do the 30 day shred. It's only 20 minutes and even if it's boring JUST DO IT! There will be no excuses like weather or whatever. If you are bored, I suggest doing more! Jillian always gives way to modify each exercise and make it hard. After one month of getting stronger, you will probably WANT to workout! It's strangely addictive!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    My flabbiness motivates me.

    I find that I can get going when I tell myself "10 minutes". That amount of time is completely non-intimidating because it goes by in a flash, and 98% of the time I keep going with a full workout. But on days when my heart and body is not in it, or I truly have no time, at least I get the 10 minutes, which is better than nothing.
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    I cannot wait to get to the treadmill at lunch today. I'm watching the season finale of Breaking Bad.

    Truly, that's how my cardio workout sessions have become my favourite times of the day. I've downloaded Season Two of Game of Thrones (which I've watched before, but ...) onto my iPhone and I only allow myself to watch my favourite tv shows when I'm at the gym on the machines.
  • daisymae1979
    daisymae1979 Posts: 5 Member
    Finding a work out buddy, or at least someone who understands what you're going through
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    i hate working out too. the only thing ive found to get my *kitten* up off the couch and to do something is a print a blank calendar every month with the days on it. when i workout for 20 min (at least , and its usually more cause once you start its easy to keep going, but starting is the ****ty part, for sure) then i put a red mark on that day. its sounds weird and elementary - but give yourself a star or something everyday you work out for 20 minutes...... after about a week of working out, when you start seeing lots of little stars or red dots on your calendar - and that is what motivates me when i don't get up. im like, "crap i don't have any red dots on the last 3 days - i need more red dots on my calender....." and strangely enough - its enough for me to go workout. i do jillian 30 day shred as well, but it does get boring after a while....try switching the levels if you are too bored.... maybe just vow to do the video 1-2 times a week and see if you can put a couple red dots on your calendar and alternate with yoga and running when its warmer..... that may be all you need to get you re-motivated......ive done it for a month and its pretty cool to look back and see "oh of the last 31 days, ive worked out 18 of them......" .....so it feels good knowing and SEEING ive actually maintained a every other day workout schedule on average....... try little incentives like that - say, if you do it well for a whole month, then treat yourself to a haircut or a facial or something. reward yourself with little things because the weight won't happen overnight. but the best advice i can give to someone that hates working out - just like me - is the nike slogan "JUST DO IT" ....... seriously, at some point you we all get fed up with ourselves, and just do it..........
  • britkip
    britkip Posts: 49
    I say stick with the walking in the park, and also doing the Jillian DVD's
    I have been doing the Jillian DVD's for over 2 years now and I love them. She modify's everything so you can do it at your own level and also make it harder if you need too. There are also so many DVD's of her's out there that you never have to do the same one all week. I do a different one everyday! I just got her kickboxing one and I don't find it that difficult but I make it harder by adding weights.
    I also go online to find ab workouts to do, because I always do more cardio and ab workouts after my DVD workout and I still do walks everyday too.
    You just have to find a time that works for you and stick to it, as for me I get up everyday at 4:30am since that's the only time I have to workout, I have stuck with it for 2 years and it works for me it's just routine now I don't even think about it.