Finding Motivation in doing Farmers Carries

So doing one of my 3 weekly workouts with a trainer in the Lose Big program at my gym last week he had us doing Farmers Carries inbetween cardio stations and as I started to do my lap he handed me two 35lb dumbells to use. As I was approching the last 1/3 of the lap and my legs and knees were burning and screaming at me it hit me that this is the exact amount of weight I have lost since August and wondered how the hell was I able to carry this around all the time. When I completed the lap and was able to drop the weight I (as well as my knees and legs) thanked my trainer for giving me that weight to carry as it has helped up my motivation to continue providing a present of relief to my knees by working to drop the weight and make it so they never have to carry that load around again.