Elliptical or treadmill



  • TammyS327
    TammyS327 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks for all of the great answers.
    I have decided to have both here at home. That way I can do the elliptical one morning and treadmill the next. I use my machines in the morning and take a walk outside in the evenings, weather permitting. Having the machines in my home, taunting me, helps to keep me motivated. Driving to a gym just doesn't work for me as far as staying motivated.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    Really depends on your body. What is probably a big thing with their caloric difference is their different weight, height, and perhaps heart rate. I know I did an elliptical workout with 3 miles earlier, and burned about half the calories of the guy next to me, because he's a much bigger dude, even though he was on there for less time than I was.

    I use ellipticals for cross-training, since I have bad knees, and adding that helps reduce impact while still getting good cardio workout. I mix it up with treadmill running in the winter, and outdoor running when it's not muddy and snowy. Generally speaking, caloric burn has everything to do with exertion, and not what machine you're using. I can burn more calories running outside or on the treadmill, if I focus on keeping my heart rate higher than my elliptical workouts. There are a lot more factors than just what machine it is.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I actually have both, and use both. My treadmill is actually an "incline trainer", and I use it primarily walking with a steep incline. I don't feel like one is "easier" than the other necessarily.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Nothing burns more than running, but in the long run, its really tough on your knees. Ellipticals are easier on your knees.
  • sum1serin
    sum1serin Posts: 32 Member
    There's nothing like a run outside to kick both of those machines *kitten*! With an actual run outside, you burn waaaayyy more calories due to the fact that you are actually propelling yourself forward. There's wind resistance as well as changing terrains. And let me tell you, it is way more motivating to actually see yourself going somewhere!
    As for some of the comments on here, choosing the eliptical because you burn more calories with less effort?! Really? That's going to get you no where. You actually need to push yourself to make a change. That's just laziness and poor attitude.

    ^^^ all day long.... and you forgot the best part.... budget friendly!
  • akb2006
    akb2006 Posts: 198 Member
    I like the elliptical better, I think its easier to use, get started with, and burns more calories overall than the treadmill. I am 35 weeks pregnant now so not really exercising at the moment but when I was regularly I could do 30-40 minutes on the elliptical no problem but couldn't run a mile on the treadmill. I think with any workout equipment its easy to get accustomed to one thing. So when I start exercising again I will be alternating the elliptical, treadmill, and the weight machine to get more of a whole body workout. Whatever you like and will get you off your booty is what I'd start with first but balance is best!