2 Months of nothinggg..getting frustrated!



  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    wait what kind of workouts are you talking about?

    Are you dividing yourself equally between stretch/flex, cardio and strength or just going balls to the wall with cardio??

    All of January I was doing Jillian Michaels burn fat boost metabolism workout dvd. and now Im doing Insanity which i think is a pretty standard cardio and strength and it even mixes some simple yoga moves into it.

    This is pretty cool but I would watch to see how you are doing when you get good at it. Exercise only changes our bodies if we aren't efficient at it. Does that make sense? If you can now handle your workouts physically, then your body has no need to change so you can do them, right?

    So if you work on some cardio that you are bad at (with the intention of becoming a lady boss at it) and combine that with one or two days of lifting weights (which you will always be adapting to and changing for - hello Jessica Biel arms) (not strength training, I mean - picking up weights, heavy ones lol -while you are eating at a deficit (so you dont add more muscle mass)) and make sure you are taking one or two full-on active rest days (you can do yoga or pilates or go for a walk, but dont go for big burn or heavy weights).

    This balancing out between Weights (Push/Pull - using your body as a machine) and High Intensity Cardio (JM/Insanity, choose your poison!) and two rest days for stretching, flexibility, foam roller, meal planning, workout planning, motivation maintenance!!! - this should definitely get you progressing again.

    Also- monitor your food! Dont be eatin a bunch of fried mozzarella sticks and then be like Oh Noes why is there another 2 pounds there? Know what I mean?


    Haha! yesss i know what you mean. And dont get me wrong I eat the occasional French fry now and then but im usually pretty careful. I guess the good thing is i gained allll this weight when I was pregnant but then it just stuck atleasttttt I didn't keep gaining lol
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    At first glance here I suspect you shoudl be grossing 1900, not netting.

    Use a TDEE calculator to get a rough idea and compare with yuor intake over the last few weeks.
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    At first glance here I suspect you shoudl be grossing 1900, not netting.

    Use a TDEE calculator to get a rough idea and compare with yuor intake over the last few weeks.

    Oh Gosh yesss thats what I meant. i have (now had) MFP at 1500 goal i burn up to 400 during workouts. so when I would eat all thatback it comes out to eating 1800/1900 calories a day.
  • lfox261
    lfox261 Posts: 1 Member
    I just broke out of a 7 month plateau using the "Shred" diet by Dr. Ian Smith. After 105 lbs lost, I was stuck. It's not the easiest diet to stick to because of the meal spacing aspect, but I'm thrilled with the results! As far as exercise, I do Zumba 5 days a week for 45-65 minutes.
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    Easy one. Calorie intake too high. So what if doc says eat back your exercise cals? You're not losing so it's not working. Try 1,650, or 1,750...play with the numbers until they start to go down. As previously mentioned, eat back some of your exercise cals but not all. Watch sodium and drink water. Be consistent. The scale will start to move over time.

    I agree.
    You're eating too many calories and on top of that you are eating back your exercise cals. I'd be willing to bet if you dropped your calorie intake to 1350 and only ate back no more than half of workout cals you will see the scale move. I don't eat back all of mine just so I can leave room for error with food I've logged. Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water, no carbs after 7pm and make sure the carbs you are consuming are good carbs. Stay away from processed foods. Even those great low calorie frozen will have lots of sodium & preservatives that will stump progess.

    Good luck!

    Just changed some stuff around! :) Im gonna try this for a couple of weeks and see what happens! :)
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    I just broke out of a 7 month plateau using the "Shred" diet by Dr. Ian Smith. After 105 lbs lost, I was stuck. It's not the easiest diet to stick to because of the meal spacing aspect, but I'm thrilled with the results! As far as exercise, I do Zumba 5 days a week for 45-65 minutes.

    7 months!? :sad: Omgosh that would be sooo stressful!
  • beez89
    beez89 Posts: 182 Member
    You guys are great!!!! Thankyou for all the helpful advice! :smile:
  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    I had to cut my calories to start losing again. Went from Christmas til last week and gained 2 pounds even though I was doing close to the same things since Aug. I dropped down to 1400 base and will only eat half or less of my workout calories. Try dropping by 100 each week from where you are now to find your personal magic number.

    I do have a lot more to lose than you do.. But, I hope that helps.
  • cdl67
    cdl67 Posts: 3
    Easy one. Calorie intake too high. So what if doc says eat back your exercise cals? You're not losing so it's not working. Try 1,650, or 1,750...play with the numbers until they start to go down. As previously mentioned, eat back some of your exercise cals but not all. Watch sodium and drink water. Be consistent. The scale will start to move over time.

    Yes, that sodium count can stall you for sure. Hang in there and be consistent. You need to give your body time to adjust every once in a while. I have been suck a couple of times, using MFP, once for a few weeks then recently fort two months. It's frustrating as Hell isn't it? Remember you didn't put the weight on in a month or two. It took a while, so keep giving it the right fuel and exercise and let your body do its thing. You can do it!
  • I feel the same way. I have been working out for over a month (record for me!) and eating right for the last few weeks. I have my calories at 1300 and try to not eat my exercise calories. I just started taking green tea and fish oil. And I work out 5-6 days a week. I alternate 30DS, long brisk walks, hiking, zumba or Yoga Meltdown. I do feel better, I have a lot more energy but sure would LOVE to see that scale move!!!! My clothes are fitting some better, but still. I feel like I am making SO many adjustments and seeing very little progress. I am soooooo determined, tho, I WILL NOT give up!

    My hubby recently lost 50-60lbs. He made it look a lot easier!!! :)
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    Play around with your calories. You're doctor COULD be wrong for what works best for you. Try still eating the 1500 cal/day. Still workout and get in your burn, but instead of eating back all of the calories, try eating half and see what happens. Then try NOT eating them back, see what happens. Also, are you using a HRM to see what you are actually burning? You could be overestimating how much you actually burn and UNDERestimating how much you are actually eating.

    I agree with this.
  • Been there. Don't know what doctor you're going to, but if you can get to a nutritionist, I would suggest that. Counting and managing calories works for most, but sometime other factors (age, hormones, etc) contribute. I went 6 months without losing, then saw a nutritionist, who told me my diet was great.. if i was 25. However, at my age, I was consuming too many carbs. I have been limiting them, and I know, it's not easy, but once you start to see the weight come off, then it becomes very motivating. I started doing that in September, and to date have lost 35 pounds. But, that's what worked for me. I would definitely see if you could work with someone to develop an individualized diet plan.
  • pick up a HRM, I just got one and I cannot wait to see how off the MFP calculations are. I know they never match up to my gym machines, MFP gives me 50+ more calories than the machines say so I always take off 50 calories just to be safe.
  • CABA01
    CABA01 Posts: 33
    I am shure you eat too much calories and to eat all your working-out-calories back, makes the work-out for nothing! You should eat healthy and regularly with your blood shugar, but not too much. Drink a lot of water! Much success for the future!
  • kingkoopaluv
    kingkoopaluv Posts: 147 Member