Hip Arthroscopy Recovery

I went through a hip arthroscopy last Tuesday to have my cartilage pinned in 3 places and some irregularities filed off on the head of my femur and I was wondering if anyone out there has had a similiar procedure and what the recovery was like. I don't have a post-op appt until the 11th and I was told I'm to be on crutches w/ 25% weight bearing on my bad side. What was anyone else's recovery like? How much time did it take before you were back to normal and back to a work out routine?
Any recovery stories or advice would be greatly appreciated ! Need some light at the end of this tunnel!
Oh yeah, and I'm a 33 year old mother of 2 (3yrs and 8mos) that works full time at an office job.


  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    Hey there! I had the same surgery done this past October. I was on crutches for six weeks total, only in a brace for 5. I was no weight bearing for 3 weeks and then 20% for 2 and then 80% for the last week. I did PT three times a week from three days post op on which was a HUGE help. Overall I felt better than I did before surgery just about right away. I found the recovery not as bad as I was anticipating and I think a huge part of that was the therapy. After 6 weeks I went to work for two weeks on light duty (I have a job where I am constantly moving from a sitting to standing position and moving around a lot) and then went full time 8 weeks post op. The hardest part was limiting my lifting and not bending at more than a 90 degree angle for about twelve weeks. I started working out at the end of November and was sore at first but only due to muscle atrophy. Now I am better than ever and workouts pose no issue! I hope this helps and feel free to add me and we can chat!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Thank-you for sharing shinelikevega! Wow, I can't believe they had you in a brace! I guess I'm lucky that I could bear 25% right away. I've started some very light PT the day after surgery and have noticed it getting easier, so that's good. I'm glad to hear you are better than before the surgery, definitely gives me hope I'll be running again by the end of summer... fingers crossed!
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    I'm sure youll be running before the end of summer! Yes! unfortunatley I had to have a brace to keep my hip in place after surgery but hey, it was worth it! Good luck!