discouraged by weight gain

I'm really frustrated! I did the 30 day shred and loved the way my arms looked so I was inspired to add more weights. Around this time I gave up my scale for lent. well, I sinned and weighed myself today. up five pounds! I know some gain is normal but thought it would go away when I've been lifting for awhile. do i have to give up the weights to start losing again?

How long should that initial weight gain linger? Will adding more cardio take away from the results I got from lifting?


  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    If you upped your weights then you're probably retaining water for repair. Forget the scale- how do you look and feel?
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I honestly feel great! I feel smaller than ever! Why I am obsessed with the number,I will never know.

    I just can't help it!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    ut oh, I think your logic might be missing!
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    The scale can be so frustrating and inaccurate as far as success is concerned. Pull out that measuring tape and put it to good use. Congrats on completing the 30DS, I wish I could stay motivated enough to finish all 30 days! :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Measuring tape, for sure! Scales suck.
  • htiafyenaffit
    htiafyenaffit Posts: 64 Member
    I agree with soaps54! measurments show a lot more than the scale and the most ive done of 30ds was 6 days ha great job!
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I wasn't sure how fast I will lose it again.

    I gave up the scale because I knew I would gain and didn't want to beat myself up.But I also thought once my body adjusts,the water weight would go away.

    I was expecting to gain a pound or two.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Did you weigh after an intense work out? Try this experiment rest for a day or two then weigh yourself. Been some threads around here saying that as muscles tear with exercise there is inflammation and water retention.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I agree with soaps54! measurments show a lot more than the scale and the most ive done of 30ds was 6 days ha great job!

    Thank you! There were days I hated Jillian Michaels and swore at my TV
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    Did you weigh after an intense work out? Try this experiment rest for a day or two then weigh yourself. Been some threads around here saying that as muscles tear with exercise there is inflammation and water retention.

    I've been lift a bit everyday. I guess more isn't better. I will try that.
  • kingscrown
    kingscrown Posts: 615 Member
    I really don't feel you can use the feedback from a scale unless you use it regularly. I weigh once a week. They are just tools and they need care. The scale needs to be on a flat solid surface. No carpet. They shouldn't be moved. You should weigh the same time and the same attire every week. Gives one a more accurate weigh in for their scale.

    That being said I've worried about muscle gain for years. The past year I decided to really exercise and throw caution to the wind. I don't think I've gain enough in muscle to ever affect the scale. I'm pretty muscly right now. BUT I did/do have a lot of weight to lose. If you're pretty trim it might be a factor.

    So, my 2 cents are if you're going to weigh in then do it regularly. Chart it. If you're not going to weigh in don't get on that scale ever. It's not a useful too for you. Taking your measurements might be more useful to you.
  • JayHesker
    JayHesker Posts: 12 Member
    Successful fitness programs have build phases and cut phases. Your weight loss will never, ever be linear. Your body will be swollen and full of water on the day after a hard workout if you're getting the right amount of fluids. Wait 3-4 days and eat right during those days, then see where you're at. But seriously, look at the long-term trend, not what happens in the space of 7 days. I haven't hit a new low in 10 days and I cycle 250-300 miles a week as well as log all my food here and stick to the plan. The sky is not falling, you just have to be patient.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    I really don't feel you can use the feedback from a scale unless you use it regularly. I weigh once a week. They are just tools and they need care. The scale needs to be on a flat solid surface. No carpet. They shouldn't be moved. You should weigh the same time and the same attire every week. Gives one a more accurate weigh in for their scale.

    That being said I've worried about muscle gain for years. The past year I decided to really exercise and throw caution to the wind. I don't think I've gain enough in muscle to ever affect the scale. I'm pretty muscly right now. BUT I did/do have a lot of weight to lose. If you're pretty trim it might be a factor.

    So, my 2 cents are if you're going to weigh in then do it regularly. Chart it. If you're not going to weigh in don't get on that scale ever. It's not a useful too for you. Taking your measurements might be more useful to you.

    I was pretty close to goal.Wanted to lose maybe another 7 pounds or so.So climbing in the other direction is scary! I lost 45 pounds before joining and wanted to just kind of stay on track.