Pushing 50...looking for friends

Hello everyone!

I have been on-again, off-again more times than I can count but am finally sticking to it this time. I got to my heaviest (295, sigh) in December 2010. After trying several months to do it on my own I had managed to drop maybe 10-15 lbs over about 6 months. I have no real life friends to really work out with and not much family support. July 2011 I decided I had had enough and called a local boot camp facility we have about 4-5 times to see what they were about and finally just set up an appointment and started.

OMG - what an eye opener. Now mind you, I have a treadmill, a bike, a weight bench and probably every DVD, VHS tape out there along with books and cookbooks galore...but it isn't any fun unless you have someone going thru it with you and it is hard to make yourself accountable - hence joining the class. After the 1st class, I literally drove home and collapsed on the couch - everyone there thought I would not come back. Well, I did and I kept going. I have been doing this since July 2011 and have lost about 65 lbs and gone from a size 24 pant to a size 16 and 2-3x shirts to L/XL. I didn't worry about food at first - just took the exercise 1 day at a time. I go 3xs a week and only over the last several months have I really started adding extra workouts. I really started watching the food over the last 6-9 months and now eat fairly clean. I have about 70-80 more to lose and just started a 90 day program with this facility.

I am 48, have been married 28 years and have a 24 year old daughter and an 18 year old son. My husband had some BP problems last fall so that derailed my mojo a bit to get him straightened around with his meds and he is starting to finally do better. I have been working on him and the son and they have started changing their eating habits during the day (they would eat what I cook at night - but would eat out daily for lunch and snacks and such). My son and a couple of his friends are now starting to utilize the equipment in our basement and I am using it much more now.

I am looking for some friends on here to vent to, go to with questions or just plain old support. I am trying to log daily and this 90 day program will help me do that so I can stay on track.

I also use a Fitbit for my activity tracking. My eating plan is consisting of 1264 calories a day, 4.7 g Fat, 17 g Carbs and 25 g Protein per meal and we are doing 40 minutes cardio everyday ontop of our 3 boot camp sessions. We even had to set up punishment/rewards for 3 weeks out if we fail to meet our 3 week goal so that is some good motiviation. My punishment is 25 burpees if I don't drop a pant size in 3 weeks.

sorry for the long post - I just needed to share with people who have similar interests. Hope to meet some great new people on the rest of this journey!



  • joyvpd
    joyvpd Posts: 11 Member
    congratulations on all your success. I just jumped into my 60's, but feel free to add me as a friend.
  • RhodRhod
    RhodRhod Posts: 109
    I'm forty eight also and just started with all this so might not have a lot of advice but I can sure offer support. Feel free to add me and way to go so far!