Good structured program for beginners

marz42 Posts: 223 Member
What is a good structured program for fitness for beginners. I am probably over what I "should" be by about 90 lbs, and am 45. I was doing a lot of walking last fall and zumba (mostly gold) and some leslie sansone and that was all good. I got to slacking around the holidays and am trying to get back into a routine now. I'm intrigued by some of these multi day programs like the shred or p90x but I know I'm no where near ready for those. Are there others geared more for beginners? I've got plenty of aerobic based ones but I'm looking for something that is either both/a whole program, or more strength based.

I've got gaiam tv streaming and was eyeing the Julian Michaels front side back side videos..they look doable for me. Its unclear though if there is a recommendation for how many of which tracks to do which you should progress? Like do you do circuit 1 from front and 1 from backside for a week, then switch to 2? Or are you supposed to do multiple circuits the same day? Any ideas?


  • Ash_Diya
    Ash_Diya Posts: 36
    I do Jillian Michaels Banish Fat and Boost Metabolism. To be honest I did not lose a single pound doing that, but my body toned up and I lost inches. Its pretty intense and not as expensive as P90x. Youtube P90x , so many people have posted their work out routine with P90x see if you can do those before you go ahead and buy it. I also go running when the weather permits.

    Jillian's Banish Fat and Boost metabolism video is tough, it will get you sweaty and sore.
  • bakerseve17
    I do TurboFire & I love it, she's motivating, musics fun but it's not so Zumba, when it comes to dancing i suck lol it gives you a schedule, which is exactyly what i needed/wanted! Even a nutrition guide, to help you get started on what to eat or not! it has aerobics, abs, toning & it has HIIT workouts, which I LOVE! ... My husband enjoyed and was successful with p90x, I on the hand did NOT enjoy it & because of it i would find any excuse to not do it. I want to lose as my FIRST goal a 100 lbs & then another 100 if possible! SO im not small AT ALL lol
  • MHackrott
    MHackrott Posts: 84 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred or her Kettle weight workout(I forget what it is called)
  • dennik15
    dennik15 Posts: 97 Member
    Jillian Michaels Body Revolution.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    I did look up P90x on youtube and its way way more than I can do now. There was a video, which should you do p90 or p90x, and said if you could do 4 pullups do p90x...I can't even come close to doing 1. I probably need something before even p90. The biggest issue is when the exercises involve moving your own bodyweight. If I had my own arms attached to a 100lb woman, maybe I could do a chin up, or a push up, but I can't swap that out. Right now I can only do a few knee push ups. I had some decent luck with the weight machines in the gym, since I'm lifting something else (not me) that is very adjustable I can work my way up, but am also seeing if there is some structured thing I can do at home. I'll check out the turbo fire and banish fat ones.
  • bakerseve17
    I can't even do knee pushups too well, in part due to wrist pain & because I can't handle my body weight, although doing turbo I move around much more easily.
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member