What are YOUR tricks to sticking to your diet?



  • Mcoh01
    Mcoh01 Posts: 11
    1. Tea: Sometimes I get tired of water, and tea lets you put some variety in what you drink. I don't put any sweetener in it, and just let the flavor come through (peppermint, green tea...whatever). If I'm hungry, I have a cup of tea first. If I'm still hungry, I have a small snack. Usually I'm fine with just the cup of tea before my next meal.

    2. Healthy Recipes: My fiancee and I cook skinnytaste.com recipes for dinner pretty much every night, and they are delicious, easy to make, and easy to log. It's a great way to not get bored with what we eat!

    3. Weighing in once a week: I find it too stressful to weigh myself every day: there are good days and bad days, and it should be more about the big picture. I find that working toward that weekly weigh-in helps me stay focused, but is short-term enough that I don't feel like it's too far in the future to matter.

    4. Make small fitness goals: It's difficult for me to find time to work out, so I decided not to take the elevator any more (unless I am carrying something heavy). I work on a third floor, park on the second level, and live on the fourth floor, so that's a small change that adds up over time!
  • spiritamanic
    spiritamanic Posts: 20 Member
    I have dieted so many times before and the main thing that I am doing different is that I am telling everyone. Before, when I didn't tell anyone, when I failed at it no one knew. Now that I have told everyone, everywhere, I refuse to fail with all these people watching. It works for me.

    That is my biggest problem! I have told my sister, but still have a couple more to go. I know that this will motivate me because I want to show them that I can do it!
  • HoneyIShrunktheMom
    I agree with all of you who said planning. If I plan my day from breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack I find that I am successful. When I 'wing it' or go off my scheduled plan, I don't do as well.

    And number 2, I don't look at this as a 'diet'. This is how I need to deal with food for the rest of my life. The ONLY thing I have given up completely is soda, but that isn't directly related to losing weight. Giving up soda was just the right idea because it was terribly bad for me. The other stuff that I like that's not so good for me I can have in moderation. I could not have soda in moderation. If I had one, I would have 5-6. It was just better to drop it out of my life completely. And it's a whole lot cheaper to drink water, too!
  • victoriavoodoo
    victoriavoodoo Posts: 343 Member
    My trick? Get naked.

    I got into the habit of not really looking at myself when I put on weight, so I didn't have to acknowledge that it was happening. Now that I am making a conscious effort to be healthier, I find that when I am home alone if I cook/clean/whatever naked I am forced to see what I've let happen. Also I look in the mirror when I get out of the shower instead of waiting until I have clothes on to look.

    And when I'm home alone is when I am most likely to mindlessly snack; if I have to go into the kitchen naked I have to pass two mirrors and that makes me remember why I'm trying to make changes and stops the snacking most of the time.

    ETA: this clearly would not work for all living situations heheh. I happen to live alone with my boyfriend and he certainly doesn't mind but even if you have kids or something, take one look in the mirror a day at all the things you are and aren't happy about and I bet it'll help

    This is actually a neat idea, although I dont have trouble eating right I so have trouble exercising and being in my sports bra and spandex does engrouage me more than if I was in my baggy sweatshirt and hubby's sweatpants lol

    Totally! workout motivation is a whooooole 'nother issue for me, and cute workout clothes does the trick! I probably buy more than I need to actually..anyone have a trick for that?
  • thinMP
    thinMP Posts: 5 Member
    Love it!! You're right, this is such a public forum. it is very helpful.